The Controversy kicked up by drought in Maharashtra has found cricket as
the cause of drought, The problem has been festering in Maharashtra over
decades, The Govt.  has done very little to attack this problem and take
measures to augment the needs of irrigation and farmers, In fact there has
been public outcry about crores having been sip honed off as loot and
personal gain, The successive Govt, have not unearthed this massive mis
appropriation The number of farmers suicides are not linked to IPL, which
is but a recent phenomenon. The IPL became a platform to highlight drought
and touch 92% of cricket lovers and sensitize them about drought situation
and perhaps in many other states too approximately 10/13 States, but
spotlight on Maharashtra. But why make IPL the culprit of Govt, propaganda
and make IPL as the martyr of drought situation? IPL gave  a fair promise
to plough resources to elevate the situation, not that they were asked at
anytime previously, If the  large water  to be used was not portable, how
water is being diverted from the farmers needs. Now will this amount of
water  will be distributed equitable to all regions and will it mitigate
drought situations? It defies such logic of administration and
distributions. Water dams are dry in the state affecting cities and
villages alike, with hope hinged on good rains

The Govt. has squarely failed by micromanaging drought solution over
decades with each new Govt. transferring the blame to the other side. What
about other water guzzling industries, hotel   chains who are preferred and
pampered consumers? Has any attempt been made to put restrictions on
consumption and using portable water for non drinking purposes? The sudden
unexpected shifting of venues is a strain on administration, arrangements,
and movement of players and the annoying the cricket lovers .The court
decision appears compassionate, but not a practical

IPL is an Indian brand that is increasingly becoming popular, spotting and
promoting new talent, who would otherwise left out unnoticed, The
intermingling with International players raises the bar of performance and
new stars are created on cricket horizon. It also enriches the state
economy. Shifting outside India may not be in the best interest of our own
economy and entertainment. IPL is not a serious sport, but mostly a lively
entertainment with all types of attractions and distractions. One IPL
session was held out like Film fare awards

What is kept under tight wraps is the betting in crores, on different
aspects of the game .This betting has even spread in villages, where the
betting is in thousands making some rich and other into paupers. This is
the real malaise and *obsessive* attraction linked to IPL. Either betting
must be legalized or strict check maintained on bookies Some people have
rattled IPL management and fortunately highlighted drought situation. Will
post IPL the interest and focus on drought will be sustained to find
meaningful permanent solution to overdue problem and contain farmers
suicides that are alarmingly large to be ignored by such theatrics The ever
growing sugar cane cultivation and factories encouraged by political class
specially in Maharashtra and quantity of water  computed for cultivation
has much to do with drought in Maharashtra

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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