
22nd April 2016
His Holiness Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace,
VATICAN CITY,  EUROPE.    Fax: +00390669882417

Injustice is not invincible, Laudato Sí, Para 74

Dear Holy Father Pope Francis,

Warm Greetings of Peace and Solidarity from Goa, India!
Inspired by your encyclical Laudato Sí we seek your attention to few points in 
your capacity as Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.

1.      Our Island in Mandovi river is sold by Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri 
Ferrao without informing us in most cunning manner.  We islanders for many 
centuries lived in harmony by tilling the land. Tilling as you have explored in 
Laudato Sí in Para 66.

2.      Our Island has an area of 7,24,850 square meters of land. We have 
Santus Cristus Church listed on page 795 of the Catholic Directory  of India 
2013 prepared by Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India (CBCI) with stated 
catholic population as 92. The remaining people of island share other faiths.

3.      Press Statement of the Archbishop’s House, Panjim dated January 02, 
2016 states that Holy See has granted permission to sell our island in 1997 
(vide letter Prot.  No. 1466/97 dated  08/04/1997). This is in response to 
Application made by the Archdiocesan authorities. Till date even though 19 
years has passed by Goa Archdiocesan Authorities has never shared the letters 
from Holy See with the People of Vanxim island. Did Holy See approve selling of 
Vanxim for converting it into luxury hotel, luxury villas, Golf Course and Golf 
Club, Private Marinas, and Casinos ? Did then Goa Archbishop Gonsalves, 
presented this reality of proposal to Holy See in their application? People 
living here in Vanxim are afraid of loosing our ancestral  land only because 
Archbishop has committed this blunder willfully on record (Documents solicited 
under Right to Information Act 2005 proves all this)

4.      Archbishop of Goa Felipe Neri Ferrao sold paddy fields and 
horticultural lands to broker Mahendra Gaunekar on February 11, 2006 through 
the then diocesan procurator Fr.Arlino De Mello. The land was sold very cheaply 
at the rate of Rs.06/- per square meters for paddy fields admeasuring 3,00,275 
square meters and Rs.20/- per square meters for horticultural lands close to 
water bodies admeasuring 1,85,275 square meters without informing the island 
dwellers and tenants. My family is one of them.

5.      Then through the deed of transfer and assignment of rights dated 
February 16, 2006 Archbishop Ferrao not only transferred Church rights over 
paddy fields, water bodies and horticulture land illegally sold, but also sold 
survey no. 1/1 that has land admeasuring 98,200 square meters of area with 
dwelling houses and Santus Cristus Church to Mahendra Gaunekar. Vanxim 
residents were never consulted before taking this step by the Archbishop.

6.       Press release dated January 02, 2016 from the Archbishop’s house also 
reveals that from 1992 onwards various companies and individuals were 
approaching Archdiocesan authorities to buy Vanxim. Archbishop Gonsalves never 
made this known to the islanders. Instead he signed Agreement to Sale of Vanxim 
with Mahendra Gaunekar on April 09, 1999.

7.      1992 is the year when Goa Diocese sold Souto Maior land in Caranzalem 
near Panjim unethically and illegally to real estate agents. Litigations are 
still on in civil courts.

8.      Mahendra Gaunekar then signed Joint Development Agreement on August 11, 
2009 with corporate bodies - Ozone Leisure and Resorts Private limited, Tuscan 
Consultant and Developers and Ozone Propex Private Limited. This agreement has 
plans laid out to use Vanxim island for Golf Course with Golf Club,  5 star 
hotel of minimum 200 rooms and cottages, Luxury villas, Resorts, Spa, private 
marinas etc. Mahendra Gaunekar was paid Rs.30,00,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty Crores 
only) as security deposit. Islanders kept in dark.

9.      The above entire exercise was carried on without informing People of 
Vanxim island. Then in 2010 began the times of bullying and pressurizing, 
bribing and co-opting of the Vanxim islanders to surrender our land rights to 
cultivate paddy. Mahendra Gaunekar and the Goa Archdiocese dragged tenants to 
the civil court seeking to surrender their rights over land. Protective walls 
protecting paddy field were breached and paddy fields were flooded rendering 
cultivation impossible. This is also the time resistance began and still 
continues to do so with more people joining in. There is also huge coverage 
time and again in digital and print media.

10.  On March 04, 2016 we had faxed to Apostolic Nuncio in India Archbishop 
Salvatore Pennacchio  in New Delhi with a request to intimate you in detail the 
following. Archbishop Pennacchio was in Goa subsequent to our letter for 
National Conference of Diocesan Priests in India. He didn’t summon us nor sent 
written reply to us. Since the situation on ground is deteriorating we decided 
to write to you directly.

11.  Several issues has remained unanswered and they cry for attention:

1.      All the letters from Tenants Association of Vanxim written in the 
decade of 1990s that Archbishop and his team claims to have a hand in sale of 
Vanxim by granting NOC to sell Vanxim. Who are the signatories of these letters?
2.      All the letters sent to Vatican from the Goa Archbishop and his team 
seeking permissions to sell Vanxim as per requirements of Canon 1291. And all 
the letters granting permissions to sell Vanxim received from Vatican. All must 
be made public.
3.      All the reports as per Canon 1292 must be made public. They are the 
consent reports and minutes from the financial council of the Goa Diocese and 
the College of Consultors and the experts that gave their advice to sell Vanxim.
4.      Names of those constituted financial council of the Goa Diocese that 
took decision on Vanxim, Names of those constituted College of Consultors and 
the names of Experts who recommended sale of Vanxim in entirety. All this 
needed as per Canon 1292.
5.      What is the actual total amount and where the money has gone from 
Vanxim sale? It is obvious that black money is involved in huge sums.
Documents of gift of Vanxim to Santa Monica and the obligations attached to be 
fulfilled must be made public. Which year Vanxim was handed over to Santa 
Monica Convent? Who did this? For what reason? What are the details of weight 
or Pessâo involved?

We are confident that in this case too you will intervene like the cases of 
Child Abuse and corruption by clergy in different parts of the world and once 
again it will be proved that injustice is not invincible.  People are concerned 
and worried.

Awaiting for your kind response.  Thanking Your Holiness in anticipation,

Yours sincerely,


Maggie Silveira,

President, Goa State Unit                                         

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