GL, (guess who is calling the pot black!!):

BC (an immigrant himself?) is not the only one discouraging Goans
immigrating to UK.

See below: Meet the Minister born to a (a Gujarati)  immigrant newsagent,
who says Britain MUST regain control of its borders

Read more:

Lately one guy I know did immigrate and I gave honest advise and how good
life in UK can be and ways to get employed, not forgetting to take a warm


Date: Sun, 1 May 2016 12:13:25 +0000 (UTC)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] Bigotry towards Goans?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Jose Colaco?

Bigotry towards Goans with Portuguese Nationality ....?Condescending
attitude from some of the UK-established Goans.
I wish the new (and not so new) Portuguese Goans well. My advice to
them?is: Never Mind the Negative Forces. You will succeed if you? Work
Hard,?Better Yourself educationally, Save Money, Invest in a home and NOT
get?into acts of violence etc,.

GL responds
Many Goans have a "condescending attitude" to others ?... ?even though they
do no have a pot to pi*s in.Many feel that criticizing others gives them
"an air of superiority"
Regards, GL

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