**** WWW.GOANET.ORG ** C O M M U N I T Y ** A N N O U N C E M E N T ****
                Goa Sudharop to Release Goan Seniors E-book

            May 8, 2007 at 5:30pm at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] How Many Puraskars are You Guys Bagging for achieving 
nothing! Vote for Parrikar


You have made your case for Parrikar ad nauseum, to the point where there
may be some who may not vote for him because of your insistence, wondering
why someone who lives in the US is making such a tamasha on his behalf and
what you may be covering up.

Besides, if Parrikar is a smart as you suggest, what the hell is he doing in
the communalistic BJP?

Let the voters decide.


Hi All,

Borrowing Tony Martin's line," Is it a must that you should expose yourself 
as a fool (flower) every time you make a post! If you think you are 
fantastic writer and .........!!!

I absolutely agree with Mario, Vidyadhar ,Gabe, Samir, Dominic, et al. We 
are sick of the brainwashed, chauvinistic and idiotic rants ( to use some of 
the quotes of the above mentioned folks) by Carmo with his narcissistic and 
divise outbursts on behalf of Parrikar.

As usual, Carmo you have 'the bull by the tail' and unlike Dominic who 
rightfully cursed you out for your 'stupid and parochial comments' inform 
you are that you likely to get a kick between your own two big toes for 
always sticking your foot in your mouth and Parrikar is unlikely to come to 
save you.

Just because Margaret Alva is a Manglorean is a poor reason for us to choose 
Parrikar as 'The alternative' and as per your pet theory, just because 
Parrikar is from IIT does not make him 'holier than thou'.  I wonder if he 
you heard or read about, Theodore John Kaczynski - a graduate from Harvard ? 
For good measure, again without implying anything, Ted too, had a Doctorate 
from another university. I do hope you understand the analogy before 
accusing or lumping us with the Congress Party or anyone else in Goa of 
defaming either Parrikar or you.
You are bent over backwards, sucking-up to Parrikar, to such an extent that 
it makes the members of Goanet (I have been a member only for the past one 
year) want to puke and like Mario said, 'question your motives'.  I 
seriously hope that Parrikar himself asks you to tone down your rhetoric 
because you are proving to be the proverbial 'concrete block' around his 
neck with all the sick proclamations in his name and are actually hurting 
his cause instead of being an asset. Perhaps, all YOU WANT is a "Puraskar" 
which speaks of your own sense of insecurity or in a backhanded way are 
angling for some job in his government should he be elected. This explains 
why copies of your e-mails are always marked to him and why you have so 
conveniently highlighted that you are ever willing to take a sabbatical.

Do something NOW for the common good in Goa, my fellow Goan (irrespective of 
whether you are a Brahmin or a Kunbhi from North or South Goa) instead of 
blowing "hot air" from Indian Harbor Beach. Or may I ask, if  'Systems 
Engineering',  the panacea you tout for everything, activated only if and 
when Parrikar wins?

As Vidyadhar Gadgil, very aptly said in his last post to you : Viva! Viva! 
Viva! (Repeat millions of times till people either start believing you, or 
get too fed up to respond.)

Olav Athayde 

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

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