*Ordinance to legalise unauthorized structures: CM*

11 May, 2016

The Editor,


*Subject: Press note for kind favour of publication.*

Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP
M: 9890470896


The headline news in your esteemed daily captioned "ORDINANCE TO LEGALISE
AUTHORIZED STRUCTURES" makes an interesting reading. In the State of Goa
Ordinances have become 'dime a dozen' where any thing and every thing  that
the governments want to bull doze through, and which action would draw a
heavy flak from the public at large if  same was sought to be done through
proper channels, i.e. through the Legislative Assembly.  This draconian
piece of legislation is resorted to, which in fact is a window kept  for
bringing in legislation/s under extreme trying times when the
democratically elected governments of the day have no time to waste in the
deliberations to pass a Bill in the legislative assembly when an acute
emergency has truck or is likely to strike. Ex. earthquakes, Tsunamis
etc.where lives of hundreds and  thousands of citizens are likely to be in
danger with massive destruction and deaths.

The biggest joke is that this party [BJP] says that it is fulfilling its
election promise to regularize illegal structures. When  political parties
make such promises in their election manifestos, the citizens of the state
or the country must boot these parties out in the first place, because,
they are playing with the very law and order situation that they are
required to maintain. These type of promises are an open invitation
to anarchy resulting in increased corruption. And, on top of it they want
to hammer this legislation through an 'ordinance'.

As one of the points figuring in the 'RULES OF THE ROAD'  of this Party, it
is stated  that the Panchayat Raj Act, 1974, and the Municipalities Act of
the state shall be amended to hold Sarpanches and Chairpersons,
respectively, responsible and accountable to any and all illegalities,
direliction of duties, etc., with penalties specified which may lead to
even jail terms. It is also mentioned that special flying squads shall be
put in place to check illegal constructions, hill cutting, mud filling or
agricultural fields etc.  taking place with enough powers to proceed with
the demolition if documentation is not in proper order and power to arrest
the culprits right away. This will make sure that the 10 per cent or so of
the population who would indulge in illegalities will be discouraged at
source and the rest of 90 per cent population will relax knowing fully well
that the law and order in the state is safe and sound.  One hundred per
cent corruption takes place at the levels of the Panchayats and
Municipalities and the existing Laws protect these head honchos rather
than taking them to task.

The Goa Su-Raj Party is totally and completely against such
ORDINANCE, viewing it as  vote-bank politics which will demoralize the
psyche of the law abiding citizenry of this state. This Party shall
challenge this ORDINANCE  through a Writ Petition in the High Court and
shall not be averse to even take this matter to the Supreme Court if

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