On 17 May 2016 at 22:49, Roland <roland.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reuters reports that the US Senate has passed a bill allowing the victims
> and relatives of victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its role in 9/11 in US
> federal courts.
> This is a momentous bill which is expected to be also passed by the House
> although it may attract Obama's veto.
> Saudi Arabia has already threatened to sell three-quarters of a trillion
> dollars worth of American T-Bills if that happens. I don't know if it will
> threaten the US financial system, though if pushed, the US can counter
> -threaten to withdraw all protection towards that country leaving it
> completely vulnerable.
> If Saudi Arabia finally ends up paying I know three Goan families of
> victims who will benefit from a large compensation which will be no less
> than 50 to a 100 million dollars each.
> Of course the US courts must see a direct link between the Saudi Govt and
> the horrific act and the US must also be prepared to be sued in the courts
> of various countries.
> As I said, interesting times....
> Roland Francis
> Toronto.

RESPONSE: Saudi US Treasury holdings...this came out yesterday.


Gabe Menezes.

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