Nehru, the Liberator
Remembering Nehru as the Liberator of Goa from Portuguese rule. I remember
that fateful day. I was in Goa for the summer holidays when news came
flashing on the radio. On my way from Bogmalo to Vasco, I think I saw the
Indian tricolour flying half-mast. As all politicians have their faults,
like us all, Nehru had his too. However, it is ridiculous to blame him for
Goa's freedom, as he was under pressure not only from defence minister
Krishna Menon but the many Goan organizations working for the Liberation of
Goa to take military action. Portuguese had ignored repeated requests to
leave Goa peacefully.
In the pro-Portuguese website, Niz Goenkar, A. Veronica Fernandes, under
heading Nehru Were Cheated by Nehru, that the PM didn't fulfill his
promise. The quote attributed to Nehru is not dated but said, "Somewhere in
mid fifties, speaking in the Parliament, Premier Nehru said..."
In his newest article on NG, Veronica has blamed Portugal for Goa's woes.
Blame the past and present political masters, but largely the blame rest on
Goans for what Goa has become.
As for history, I don't give a dime to Veronica's knowledge. I have seen
him as a player for the Sesa Goa football team. I believe he was activist
for Konkani in Kuwait, now settled down in Goa.
Whether Goans should have been given referendum or not is a political
matter. Yes, legally the Supreme Court said it was "annexation".
Unfortunately, Nehru died just two years after the Liberation. If Goa had a
referendum and if Goa had been a new country, would it make much of a
different? Goans would rule Goa, just as it is been done today. Would the
result be different, politically?
Goa was a part of India. India, as many ignorant Goans believe, did come
after the British left. It wasn't united but divided into many kingdoms.
The unification of India, was like many other nations, even the US and
As one Jack said on NG that "The root cause of Goa gone to dogs its is
Goans selling for hafty price their land, houses and even childrens for
Indian dogs."
For Mathew Fernandes said that "Jack will be none other than Urine Korea."
(That's the nickname NG has given me).  This Mathew has said many things
against me in an earlier post on the Konkani Tiatr and Tiarist FB page. He
is one of the many supporters of Goa Su-Raj Party, who has a big presence
on Niz Goenkar, a site that allows use of foul language.
Moving forward is the only option to Goans now and not harking back to old
days. History cannot be undone, but Goa make itself proud again within the
Indian framework.
Special Status is another issue, and those who want to know why Goa doesn't
qualify must do some reading on Indian constitutional history and politics.
Even Floriano is rubbing the Special Status issue. Even Goans in Goa are
not united in fighting for this cause, as there are two groups. One of them
is sort of aligned to GSRP and the other is loyal to Alina Saldanha.
Floriano pet peeve is "ajeeb Goans". May I ask him in what context Nehru
said that Goans were "ajeeb." DId Nehru mean we Goans are "strange" or we
Goans are "different"?
To the best of my knowledge he was basing his words on the knowledge that
Goans had a 'syncretic" culture, both Portuguese and Indian. Just like
Pondicherry (now Puducherry), where there are still traces of French.
Here is Jack's post on the same FB page:

Thursday - May 26, 2016

Lazar(DLP) Nehru is death and gone this type of blaming exercise of Nehru
won't help..Nehru never told Goans to sell their properties/Houses to
Indian dogs..beleive me in Moira 50% houses/land is owned by
non-Goans..Moira is village of Floriano(Goa Su-Raj)who is trying to conquer
Goa even without wining a panchayat seat in his village...he cannot prevent
non-Goans marginalising Goans in his educate Goans not to
sell their properties to non-Goans just b'cas of money.We all known Nehru
is son of bitch but it wont help writting against him until and until Goans
stop selling what is left of their to non-Goans.

It's better not to twist things to serve one's political goals. If Goans
feel they should vote GSRP to 'save" Goa, so be it. That's the way
democracy works. There could be no Delhi-based "high commad" for GSRP, but
the commander-in-chief sits in Moira.

Eugene Correia

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