Dear Friend,

We are pleased to announce the release of Sunita Narain’s latest
book, “Why I Should Be Tolerant”, on June 4th - at a time when
tolerance levels amongst people are dangerously low. The release
happily coincides with our Down To Earth magazine entering its 25th
year of publishing and also the World Environment Day celebrations
going on.

She writes with a lot of passion and explains complex things in such a
simple way that you and I can understand and relate to. No wonder the
Time magazine deemed it fit to have her on the list of the world’s
100 Most Influential People. 

This is a breezy collection of essays on almost all the essential
topics that will benefit everybody – important topics like health,
water, air pollution etc that have a direct impact on all of us, every

WHY I SHOULD BE TOLERANT: Pages 200:Paperback:Price: Rs.350

You can visit our CSE Store at:
 to know more about the book and place your order online. You can even
send a DD/Cheque favouring “Centre for Science and Environment”
and mail it to us with a cover note to reserve
your copies. Since we have gone for a limited first print run of the
book, orders will be processed on first come first serve basis. 

The book is priced Rs.350 but you can get it at Rs.300 only, if you
order before June 30, 2016. 

We look forward to processing your order asap.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

T R Ramachandran

Deputy General Manager

Centre for Science and Environment

41 Tughlakabad Institutional Area

New Delhi 110062

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