From: b sabha <>,-BJP-politician-finances-convent-restructuring--37632.html

Mumbai BJP President Finances Convent Re-structuring

May 30, 2016

 May 30, 2016: The Sister Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM) of Bandra, 
Mumbai, yesterday inaugurated the new asphalt resurfacing project on their 
Prarthanalaya convent. The project is being financed with the private funds of 
Ashish Shelar, a local member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, the Hindu 
nationalist party). Speaking to AsiaNews the politician says: "As a 
representative elected by the people, it is my responsibility to do the best 
for the community, neighborhood and society. Prarthanalaya is a sacred place of 
prayer, where every person is welcomed. The sisters are at the service of 
society and are building new communities through their prayers, and various 
forms of social activities. I am happy to offer my help. "

The initiative responds to the need for modernization of the structure and was 
immediately supported by the Hindu leaders, contacted by the sisters. 
Prarthanalaya (house of prayer) is a complex that houses the convent of the 
congregation and a chapel, which is open for Eucharistic adoration for all the 
faithful, including those of non-Christian religions.

The opening ceremony of the project of asphalting of the entire complex began 
with a short prayer and the blessing by Fr. Michael Pinto. Following this 
Sister Amita Mascarenhes, superior of the convent, and Sister Vimla, split a 
coconut, in a typical Indian ritual with which augurs"good luck".

In addition to the nuns, the Deputy Mayor of Mumbai Alka Kerkar, many friends 
and benefactors were present. Ashish Shelar also dug the first hole to start 
off the construction process.

After the ceremony, Fr. Pinto blessed the grotto dedicated to Mary Queen of the 
Apostles. Ashish Shelar also entered the cave to pay homage to the Virgin. 
Before he crossed the threshold, he took off his shoes as a sign of respect, 
then laid wreaths around the statue and bowed his head in an act of veneration.

- asianews


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