One fine Sunday morning Marian and hiswife (Dumelin) returns home from the 
church and were havingtheir breakfast:-

Dumelin:Listen my dear husband, I know you love me deeply as I do, but…

Marian:But? But what darling?

Dumelin: Alwaysat night after you have your drinks, you completely changes, you 
fire bad wordsand quarrels with me.

Marian:Oh, I am so sorry for that.

Dumelin: Ihave tolerated it for years, but last night you raised your hand on 
me. If thiscontinue….

Marian:Please forgive me darling, I’ll try to control myself.

Dumelin: Iam warning you that I will not take it anymore, if you repeat it 
again than I’llleave you and this house and go away and you will never know 
where I am.

At thatnight too Marian repeated the same thing. 

He woke upnext morning and deeply repented. He noticed with dismay the crate of 
beerbottles that had made his wife to leave him. He took the crate outside 
andstarted smashing the empty bottles one by one onto the wall.

He smashed the firstbottle swearing,
"You are the reason I fight with my wife".

He smashed the second bottle,
"You are the reason my wife left me".

When he took the third bottle, he realized that the bottle was still sealed 
andwas full.
He hesitated for a moment and said:

“You stand aside, I know you were not involved”.

Cajetan de Snvordem



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