From: b sabha <>

RBI Chief Raghuram Rajan To NDTV On Term 2 And Subramanian Swamy's Many 
In an exclusive interview to NDTV, Raghuram Rajan, whose possible reappointment 
as head of the RBI is driving international headlines, said that he "welcomes 
genuine criticism of our policy but will not address ad hominem attacks" or 
allegations against him as individual rather than the policies and position he 

n an exclusive interview, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan rebuts Subramanian 
Swamy's attacks and discusses possible reappointment


  1.  Welcome genuine criticism, will not address ad hominem attacks, he says
  2.  My work shows love for country:Mr Rajan on claims he's 'not fully Indian'
  3.  BJP MP Subramanian Swamy wrote to PM seeking Mr Rajan's dismissal

 In an exclusive interview to NDTV, Raghuram Rajan, whose possible 
reappointment as head of the RBI is driving international headlines, said that 
he "welcomes genuine criticism of our policy but will not address ad hominem 
attacks" or allegations against him as individual rather than the policies and 
position he holds. He also said that "I won't comment on a second term. But 
you've seen my speeches. My ultimate home is in the realm of ideas."

Mr Rajan's three-year tenure as RBI Governor ends in September. "Rexit", a play 
on Britain's EU 
 has been coined about whether Mr Rajan will remain in office, reflecting the 
esteem in which he is held at home and abroad.

Not, however, by Subramanian Swamy, the BJP parliamentarian who has written two 
letters to Prime Minister Narendra 
 urging that Mr Rajan be refused a second term because of his "willful" moves 
to "wreck the Indian economy" and because he is "mentally not fully Indian."

"Certain allegations are so fundamentally wrong and baseless that to address 
them is to give them legitimacy they don't deserve," Mr Rajan told NDTV. On his 
"Indian-ness" being questioned in part because he holds a green card, he said, 
"Indian-ness, love for your country is complicated. For every person there is a 
different way that you show respect for your mother-in-law will 
say karmayogi is the way to go - do your work."

A compact group of critics - which reportedly include some officials in the 
Finance Ministry - have faulted Mr Rajan for refusing to drop interest rates to 
stimulate growth in his quest to control inflation. But the RBI chief said 
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and he share a strong working relationship. "It 
may shock you (but) never has there been a serious disagreement between Mr Arun 
Jaitley and 
 he said.

The PM is reportedly inclined to keep Mr Rajan at the helm of the RBI, though 
in a recent interview to the Wall Street 
 he only said that the decision is not due till September.

Yesterday, Mr Rajan left rates unchanged, as was widely expected, after the 
latest policy review. "A lot of people these days are writing my obituary in 
the papers. It gives me time to reflect on what remains to be done," he said.

Last week, the markets were briefly 
 when a regional newspaper in Kolkata reported that Mr Rajan has informed the 
PM that he doesn't want a two-year extension and would prefer to return to the 
University of Chicago.

Praise for him has lately been centred on his big push for state-run banks to 
complete a cleanup of massive debts and force defaulters to pay up.

Mr Rajan has impeccable credentials as the former chief economist at the 
International Monetary Fund and one of the few who predicted the 2007-08 global 
financial crisis.

He also generates reams of articles on being "a rock star" economist, "putting 
the sex back in Sensex", "making the internet swoon" and has been depicted in a 
cartoon as the James Bond of India's financial world. "Your kids keep you 
honest, they make fun of you,  my wife does a great job in keeping me fully 
anchored," he said about how he handles the charges of major and inherent glam 

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