GOANS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT strongly condemns TCP Minister Francis 
D’Souza’s shocking statement that “Zones marked as Investment Promotion zones 
by the Investment Promotion Board will have to be respected”. GFSD pointed out 
that the very constitution of this unwarranted, deviously conceived and 
draconian IPB is akin to a declaration of all out war on the ecology and the 
people of Goa by its own government. How can the TCP Minister justify and 
accept the concept of the IPB, which equips its other departments with powers 
to over ride and destroy the very essence and concept of the Regional Plan? 

GFSD said that that the TCP Minister must surely be aware that all activities 
and projects must conform and comply with the scientific planning and 
guidelines imposed by a well studied Regional Plan based on sound data 
collection and analysis. Therefore, it defies all logic, reasoning, 
comprehension and norms of legality when the Regional Plan is compelled to fit 
into the IPB instead of the other way around, solely to fulfil the interests of 
corporates and favoured industrialists, regardless of the fragility of the zone 
and the potential destructive impact on Goa’s people, traditional communities, 
ecology and long term food and water security. How is this very unacceptably ad 
hoc process different from the one followed at the time of the contentious and 
outrightly rejected Regional Plan presided over by Babush Monseratte as TCP 
Minister? Why is the Government not accepting the factual reality that the 
State is made up of agricultural, fishing, tribal, tenant and various other 
traditional communities who are also sons and daughters of Goa and therefore 
legitimate stakeholders in the Regional Plan. Their interests also must be 
safeguarded and protected instead of being sacrificed at the altar of greed and 
vested interests. Why is this government focusing so strongly upon giving 
legality and sanction of law to crass and unjustifiable illegalities in all 
spheres of its governance?

By now, it is absolutely clear that the IPB is a total sell out of Goan land by 
the State Government with a purpose to provide backdoor entry to vested 
interests and legitimise their transgressions at the cost of the people of Goa 
and their community resources. Ever since it was constituted in October 2014, 
the IPB has granted in principle approval to 72 projects and is functioning 
like a Special Purpose Vehicle especially created with the aim of clearing 
projects, many of which fall in eco sensitive zones.

While Hideaway Hospitality, proposed by a close relative of the Defence 
Minister received rapid clearance to set up on an eco sensitive notified zone 
in Sanguem, the controversial red category Vani Agro alcohol project, again 
with alleged connections to a ruling party MLA, received clearance in just one 
week on land that is clearly not meant for industrial use in either of the 
Regional Plans. In addition, the IPB has ploughed ahead with clearing two 
marina projects and a host of other projects without even the slightest 
pretence at any study on the effect of these projects on the ecology and 
occupations of traditional communities. In fact, the Governments hostile 
attitude towards traditional communities can be well assessed from its 
treatment of Ravindra Velip from the mining belt and the traditional 
Ramponkars, who had gathered to highlight their issues in Panjim recently.

A State Government has a fundamental duty to protect the interests of its land 
and its people. The government’s cavalier and callous attitude towards the land 
resources of Goa can be seen yet again in its easy accession to the demand for 
5 acres of land at the proposed contentious Mopa Airport project by the 
Navy.Since 1961, this arm of the Defence forces has abrogated unto itself and 
maintained total control over Dabolim Airport, carving out over the years a 
very pleasant playground for itself with football and golf courses etc. at the 
cost of Goan people and their community resources. Why does the Navy need more 
land at Mopa, especially when the present Defence Minister himself is on record 
to say that the “Defence is not interested in acquiring land in Goa even if 
given free” as recently as four months ago! 

GFSD said that the Government should understand that it has been elected as 
caretaker of Goa and not as Dalal. Goa is not up for grabs. As such the people 
of Goa have a legitimate right to demand policies that reflect concern for the 
interests of all sections of Goans as well as the ecology and environment that 
is so essential to sustain the quality of life for this generation and the ones 
to come instead of being compelled to witness the rampant and unabashed sell 
out of our precious, limited land and other essential natural resources.

Ramkrishna Jalmi                              Rony Dias                         
    Eremito Rebelo                              Siddarth Karapurkar 

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