Currency trading usually requires a margin account. When you put down
$1,000 you are betting on the currency movement of $100,000.

If a currency moves by 10 basis points (i.e. one tenth of one percent) a
thousand dollar bet will result in a thousand dollar gain/loss. If the
currency moves by one percent in your direction/favour, a thousand dollar
bet results in a ten thousand dollar gain.

Well, on Friday, the Great Britain (they may have to change that name now)
Pound moved ten percent. A one thousand dollar bet could have resulted in a
one hundred thousand dollar gain.

One the other hand, if your bet was wrong, well, I will leave you to figure
out the losses....

The reason sterling fluctuated so much was because people who bet that the
pound would go up - had to cover their margin calls. The few who bet that
Britain would exit, are super rich today.

BTW, the VIX rose 49% on Friday. On Thursday there was no risk at all in
buying the VIX as it was priced as if the Brits had voted to remain in the
EU. A 49% return in a day is sweet, really sweet - and the volatility fun
is only beginning.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:35 AM, Bernado Colaco <ole_...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> It is believed that if Article 50 of the Lisboa Treaty is invoked it will
> take over 2 years to deal with the EU for terms of withdrawl. Therefore
> Brexiters might be disappointed that things will not happen overnight. One
> newspaper suggested that Cameron would resign immediately. He might. But
> somebody will have to make the deal with the EU. In the meantime the great
> capitalists like Soros are enjoying the effects of talk of a plummeting
> pound.
> BC

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