From: b sabha <>
Police target Don Bosco school over tourist's death | UCAN 
Judith Winslow, 77, died of age-related illness and there was no illegality 
about her staying there, says rector.

Judith Winslow, 77, died of age-related illness and there was no illegality 
about her staying there, says rector.
Posted on June 27, 2016, 8:15 AM

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The death of a 77-year-old U.S. citizen in central Indian Madhya Pradesh state 
has prompted the police to initiate an investigation into her stay in a 
Catholic school after right-wing Hindu activists alleged she was in the country 

Church leaders in Madhya Pradesh said Judith Jean Winslow died because of an 
age-related illness and there was no illegality related to her staying at the 
Don Bosco Academy in Alirajpur, a tribal-dominated town in the state.

The police investigation follows a complaint from a leader of the ruling 
Bharatiya Janata Party, considered the political arm of Hindu groups that works 
to make India a Hindu-only nation.

"The allegations are totally biased, illegal and motivated to target 
Christians," said Salesian Father Stanny Fereira, rector of Don Bosco House in 

He said the women has been a frequent visitor to Alirajpur and during her 
visits she stayed at Don Bosco House.

Police Superintendent Alirajpur Kumar Saurabh told<> he ordered an investigation "into her stay and 
other activities following allegations that she stayed there without informing 
the police, as required by law.


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