From: b sabha <>

Herald: NGOs are asking BJP the same questions it asked 
That gesture of theirs was much more than symbolism. It reflected genuine 
belief (with clear political overtones) that the Regional Plan would be the 
BJP’s handle ...

From: Roger D'Souza <<>>

NGOs are asking BJP the same questions it asked Congress

21 Jun, 2016, Herald Editorial

One of the most riveting images of Manohar Parrikar the opposition politician 
in the closing years of the last decade, was standing like an absolute commoner 
right at the rear of the massive rally of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan, against the 
flawed Regional Plan 2011, a rally which indeed sparked off a revolution. Mr 
Parrikar stood there, completely at ease, in the company of his long time 
friend Francis D'Souza. None of them took to the stage - they wouldn’t have 
been invited anyway, but felt very welcome to simply show solidarity. Herald’s 
camera person clicked that priceless picture of Manohar and Francis looking at 
the taluka plans, while the rally had started.

That gesture of theirs was much more than symbolism. It reflected genuine 
belief (with clear political overtones) that the Regional Plan would be the 
BJP’s handle to get back power in 2012. Mr Parrikar not  just rode piggy back 
on the people’s  anger against an anti-people Regional Plan which made 
provisions to hand over large chunks of Goa’s land for mega projects, he danced 
on it. Similarly when an agitation by the tribals of Balli in South Goa, to 
demand rights for tribals, went out of control leading to a riot where two 
tribal boys lost their lives, Manohar Parrikar openly backed civil society and  
activists who demanded justice for tribals. In fact after one of his frequent 
tours to Balli, he drove straight to the Herald office, to give a first hand 
account of his “spot” visit, along with pictures. The third image of Parrikar 
the activist, which remains etched stronger than others is his agitation 
demanding the removal of casinos from the Mandovi. Calling casinos literally as 
“dens of vice”, Parrikar demanded that unless they were all shifted out the 
Mandovi overnight, he would storm them the next day.

The long and the short of this is simply this. The BJP is opposition and 
Manohar Parrikar as Opposition leader, saw activists as partners in progress 
against their cumulative fight against the government. When the Village groups 
of Goa led agitation against the Digambar Kamat government reached the 
secretariat, leading to a massive scuffle with the police and the arrest of 
activists, it was Mr Parrikar who went to the police station to speak to them 
and get them released.
Which is why the present and consistent narrative of the now Defence Minister 
against NGOs and civil society as advocates of non development and perpetrators 
of economic doom, is fake and hollow. Civil society and NGOs are suddenly 
inconvenient because they are asking the BJP government in power the same 
uncomfortable truths it asked the Congress. Therefore the questions haven’t 
changed, those facing them has. Therefore Mr Parrikar needs to know that civic 
society hasn’t changed. It is he who has crossed the fence because of which the 
“other-isation” of NGOs and civic society has happened.

Mr Parrikar, has never been allergic to NGOs. In fact one of the first calls he 
made after being sworn in as Chief Minister was to Claude Alvares of Goa 
Foundation, where he requested Alvares to help him out in nailing mining 
companies and identifying those which were operating illegally. Therefore, Mr 
Parrikar’s decision to speak out against NGOs  every week, is surely a part of 
an orchestrated exercise to weaken NGOs because they are the ones who are Goa’s 
greatest foot soldiers. While they were friends when he was in opposition, NGOs 
have now turned into watch dogs and whistle blowers against his BJP government. 
The twain shall never meet. NGO and civil society are the biggest opposition 
and they can cause much more damage than opposition MLAs.

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