Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim:  If only we would appreciate any effort a
lttle bit, however worthless in our lofty ideals and perception,or remain
silent the world would move by at least a inch forward.

Spot on.
At the very least grace is an integral quality to have, or reach towards. As
Bernanos put it: All is grace. Having said that most of us are not ignorant
that Nature and Grace are intertwined. To mean our nature or natures. But
we choose, or are compelled to take issues over things and notions that
could be left alone. I am not saying ideas should not be debated, but
debates, or what may constitute into a debate, needs to be reflected on
before beginning a volley! Ignoring that, such reasoning can easily get
fraught with ones assiduously held peeves. Too often it appears that AA
has, or takes issues with any and every utterance from BB. And this goes
on, when it is apparent that although both have decent chops (leave alone
good grammar!) in thinking, they simply have to point to the other that
they see/saw the issue differently. Essentially, find points of discontent.
In doing so, they reach for the one or the other, taking the high ground,
marking it!— when there is some perceived gain as in an attempt towards
gaining satisfaction, a la pistols at dawn!


—Venantius J Pinto

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Nelson Lopes <> wrote:

> Many a times we dissipate enormous amount of energy and drain our
> enthusiasmand jest for life. We cannot see anything good in any act or in
> any person and specially, if we are not a part of it, .We can dwell in
> endless , mindless criticism,backbiting , undercutting, spreading canards,
> gossiping, picking holes, cutting the grass under the feet, showing
> discontent, disdain till the object of discussion is demoralised, as if a
> great crime is committed in doing an insignificant act of goodness, that
> brings a little cheer in the life of someone Not only do we reciprocrate
> goodness, but pour scorn and gall. If only we would appreciate any effort a
> lttle bit, however worthless in our lofty ideals and perception,or remain
> silent the world would move by at least a inch forward. Besides by a
> positive stroke we enhance our own worth and happiness, do not make
> ourselves redundant and encourage others to further their goals, If we
> cannot be a part of any good acts, let us not be a stumbling stones by
> adopting a dog in the manger attitude. Any criticism however justified must
> not have crippling effect. kiling the initiative. Provide an alternative
> solution to the problem, disagreement, or dissatisfaction not by
> verbalising, sermonising, but firm action on the ground
> Is it not said that the critics are not good writers ? Of course, there are
> many a personality, who steadily walk over and surmount all obstacles and
> that is how wonderful progress is achieved For their selfless acts, courage
> and detrmination with a single minded purpose, thsi world is a better place
> Evryone is called to be a builder with innate capacity, shoulder an effort
> in the capaacity you can. but let us not be destroyers . Pass a good word
> around at least, so that the effors to bring a change and a smile in the
> life of others becomes meaninful and receives encouragement in accentuating
> the positive
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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