**** WWW.GOANET.ORG ** C O M M U N I T Y ** A N N O U N C E M E N T ****
                Goa Sudharop to Release Goan Seniors E-book

            May 8, 2007 at 5:30pm at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

  Email Netiquette Tips, Tricks and Secrets  "Re:" is for Replies
"Re:" means "Reply:" and should only be used in replies.
  Agree About the Format Before Sending an Attachment
Make sure recipients can open the attachments you send them by agreeing on 
their format beforehand.
  Always Check the Recipient of a Reply to a List Message
Don't send personal messages to millions. Double-check where you send your 
email, especially when you reply to a mailing list message.
  Ask Before You Send Huge Attachments
Don't clog email systems without permission.
  Avoid "Me Too" Messages
"Me too" is not enough content, but too much annoyance.
    Avoid Date Misinterpretations in Emails
I'll see you 020301, right? Here's how to avoid confusion about dates in emails.
  Avoid Embarrassing Emails
Avoid embarrassing emails by sending them to yourself only (by default).
  Be Careful with Irony in Emails
No, really! I mean it. Honestly!
  Be Careful with Punctuation Around URLs
Make sure the links in your emails work. Punctuation around URLs can interfere 
with that.
  Be Sparing of Exclamation Marks
One exclamation mark is certainly enough!! This cannot be stressed enough.
  Change a Thread's Subject When the Topic Changes
Panta rhei, all is flowing. Change occurs to an email thread's topic, and then 
the email's Subject should change, too.

  Check Other Replies Before Replying on a Mailing List
New ideas are better ideas. If you read all replies to a particular message on 
a mailing list before replying yourself, you can avoid repeating something 
that's already been said.
  Clean Up Emails Before Forwarding Them
Forwarding emails is a great way of sharing ideas, but make sure the original 
idea is not hidden in obfuscation.
  Do Away with Titles and Names in Emails
Dear Ms., Mrs. and Mr. Reader... fortunately, emails can often do without 
titles and names.
  Don't Forward Hoaxes
Email hoaxes often contain stories that are intriguing, and sure to irritate. 
Here's how to spot and stop urban legends.
  Don't Reply to Spam on a Mailing List
You don't want to be a spammer, do you? Replying to spam that appears on a 
mailing list may make you look like one, though.
  Email Leaves a Permanent Record
Everything you mail will be used against you.
  Forward Emails as Attachments Intelligently
Share emails by forwarding them in a smart and efficient manner.
  Forward Emails as Attachments Without Revealing Addresses
Share the full message and the full contents in a clean way, but don't disclose 
other recipient's email addresses.
  How to Catch Typos by Printing Your Emails
You can often find typos or misplaced commas neither your spell checker nor you 
yourself catch when proofreading on the screen.
  How to Insert any International or Special Character in Mac OS X
If you need to type characters nowhere to be found on your keyboard, Mac OS X 
provides comfortable ways to find and insert them in your emails.
  How to Insert any International or Special Character in Windows
Do you want to include some French in your emails, spell a name or place 
properly or discuss old Chinese writings maybe? Here's how to include foreign 
language characters in your messages using Windows.
  How to Prevent Annoying Thank-You Notices
End email conversations without unnecessary "Thank You" and "You're welcome" 
notes that are more annoying than nice.
  How to Quote Original Messages Properly in Replies
Make your email replies easy to read and understand by quoting in a smart and 
useful manner.
  Keep Emails Short
Do not intimidate recipients with too much text.
  Keep Your Signature to 5 Lines of Text
"Signature" is a synonym for brief and unobtrusive — or at least it should be, 
because overly long signatures in emails are an annoyance.
  Keep Your Subjects Lines Short
Make sure the recipients can read all of your Subject: lines.
  Know What to Quote in Email Replies
When you compose a reply email, be careful what to include of the original 
message � and what not.
  Mail Netiquette Hints Privately
You made a mistake, if I'm not mistaken. Pointing out Netiquette mistakes in 
public is not very polite and a bit annoying — not good email Netiquette, so to 
  No Need for Street Addresses in Email Signatures
Come visit me, everybody! Unless you want everybody and the whole world to know 
where you live, don't include your street address in your email signature.
  Properly Formatted Email Replies for the Lazy
Do you think quoting original text in your email replies perfectly is a lot of 
work? Don't let the '>' intimidate you! Here's a very comfortable, relaxed, 
quick and still clean and compatible way to reply properly.
  Punctuation Matters; in Emails Too
Comma, colon, hyphen and semicolon — all exist for a reason: they make it 
easier to understand the intended meaning of a sentence. Don't make life more 
difficult and possibly less interesting for the recipients of your emails. Pay 
some — though not too pedantically much — attention to punctuation.
  Remove "(was:...)" from Subjects
Give your messages shorter, better, and less confusing Subject lines.
  Remove All Email Addresses When You Forward a Message
Share the message, not email addresses when forwarding an email.
  Repeat Important Subject Information in the Body
The Subject line of your emails is important, but you shouldn't rely on it 
being read or paid attention.
  Request Return Receipts Sparingly
Let recipients reply when (ever) they want.
  Resize Pictures to Handy Proportions Before Inserting Them in Emails
When your photos look good in your email, you look good, too! Here's how to 
make sure your images are not larger than screens and mailboxes by resizing 
them in style -- online and for free.
  Respect Mailing List Customs
What is okay here may be an affront there. Customs differ from mailing list to 
mailing list, and you should respect each.
  Separate Multiple Recipients Correctly
Message for you, you, you, and you. If you send an email to multiple 
recipients, make sure you enter them correctly.
  Set Your System Clock Right
Make sure you don't send messages from 1981.
  Smileys Should Ring an Alarm
Don't use smileys to say something you should not (and don't intend to) say in 
  Take Another Look Before You Send a Message
Don't send anything you don't want to send.
  Talk About One Subject per Email Message Only
Help make the world less confusing. Try to talk about one subject per message 
only. For another subject, start a new email.
  The Problem with Using Dialect, Slang and Jargon in Emails
Waach prablym? (The problem that you are so difficult to read.)
  Use "OT" in the Subject to Indicate Off-topic Messages
It's never off-topic to state when your message is.
  Use Acronyms Sparingly
DYK? Not everybody knows every acronym, and they don't save that much time 
  Use Bold Face in Plain Text Email Messages
Put a bold face onto your plain text. Here's how to make simple text stand out 
among its peers by mimicking bold face in plain text emails.
  Use Bullet Points for Readability in Emails
Bullet points make your emails *easier to read and *easier to reply to.
  Use Current Antivirus Software, Keep it Up to Date, Scan for Free
Make sure you're not spreading worms and viruses via email or act as a vehicle 
for spreading spam. All this can be caused by malicious emails. Fortunately, 
there's protection.
  Use Email the Way You Can Want Everybody to Use It
You have the future, and the present of humankind in your hands — even when you 
just write an email.
  Use Italics in Plain Text Email Messages
Emphasize text the Italian way in your emails by italicizing passages and 
words, even when you write using plain text only.
  Use Lots of White Space in Your Email Messages
  Use Only Lower Case Characters in Your Email Address
Choose wisely when creating a new email address and help avoid email address 
case confusion.
  Use the Standard Email Signature Delimiter
Sign your signature correctly by employing the standard signature delimiter in 
your emails.
  Visibly Delete Text in Emails
Do you often (want to) say something without quite saying it? Say something 
just to be able to take it back? Here's a handy shortcut for doing that in 
emails, and a way to communicate Freudian slippers, too.
  What Can be Misunderstood Will be Misunderstood
The problem that whatever can be misinterpreted will indeed be misunderstood is 
not unique to email, but with email it is uniquely severe.
  When in Doubt, End Emails with "Thanks"
If you don't know how to say good-bye at the end of an email, there's one thing 
that will almost always be appropriate. Thanks.
  When in Doubt, Send Plain Text Email, Not HTML
Not everybody can receive your fancily formatted emails. Some may even react 
furious. To be safe rather than sorry, send plain text emails only when in 
  Where to Put Your Signature
Without a line sub-scripted "sign here", how do you decide where to place your 
email signature? Look here.
  Why You Should Compress Files Before Sending Them via Email
Smaller is more beautiful, at least when it comes to email attachments. So make 
files smaller before your send them via email.
  Wondering "How to Put That in Writing", Write "That"
Tell it like it is. Have you notices how people who you understand perfectly 
well when you listen to them become cryptic when they start writing?
  Wrap Lines at About 65 Characters in Emails
Make your messages a joy to read by ensuring your lines are short and sweet.
  Writing in All Caps is Like Shouting
Don't shout in your emails (and all caps is so difficult to read).

  In God we trust, all others we virus scan.   

 Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to download CHAT? 
Here's a solution! 
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Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

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