Hi Tom—

I am curious to know what prompted you to post this. General information
for those who may not know, or rather, should know?!
Do you attend Latin mass? How often? Are you in alignment with the the Old
Order (Tridentine Mass)? Does it move you? In what way if I may ask?
Are you suggesting, and if so, ardently, that people attend mass in Latin?
Do you have mass in Latin where you live?

Gratia vobis et vestrum servabunt.
Grace to you and yours.

—Venantius J Pinto

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Tom <tom_deso...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> A Priest’s View Of Latin Mass Vs. New Mass
> Traditional Catholic Priest<http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/> by
> Fr. Peter Carota
> http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/2015/01/29/priests-view-latin-mass-vs-new-mass/
> [
> http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/the-holy-sacrifice-of-the-mass2.jpg
> ]<
> http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/2015/01/29/priests-view-latin-mass-vs-new-mass/
> >
> A Priest's View Of Latin Mass Vs. New Mass | Traditional ...<
> http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/2015/01/29/priests-view-latin-mass-vs-new-mass/
> >
> www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com
> Constantly I hear from people that they do not go to the Latin Mass
> because they do not understand Latin. (Some even think that the homily is
> in Latin.)
> This is the advice from Father Peter Carota to all Catholic Faithful:
> The final question (and the answer should make everyone who reads this
> article want to only go to the Holy Latin Mass) is:  Do we truly believe
> that God/Jesus is in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar?  If so God deserves
> adoration, respect and protection.
> [HolySacrificeMass]<
> http://www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/HolySacrificeMass.jpg
> >
> As a priest who says the New Mass and the Latin Mass, the Latin Mass has
> by far more rubrics built right into the Latin Mass to protect the Body and
> Blood of Jesus from being desecrated in any manner.  It clearly has the
> strong sacrificial component of the Holy Mass and priesthood.  It does not
> have the protestant emphasis on the Last Supper and “doing this in
> remembrance of Me” like the Martin Luther advocated.  It also has prayers
> and gestures that facilitate more easily the adoration that Jesus deserves
> from us His creatures.  And because of this, the Latin Mass pleases God way
> more than the New Mass.

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