From: b sabha <>

From: Sunny Fernandes 

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‘Zika’ Naik

Cannot understand the hoolaboola around a religious ‘virus’ speaker, Zakir 
Naik. If someone instigates with preaching their interpretation of a religion, 
and someone allegedly gets instigated to violence, never knew that there were 
laws in India that could convict such a person propagating it. On a lighter 
vein never knew that there was law in India. As we have a Salman Khan who can 
mow down people driving in a drunken stupor and prove he was not on the wheel. 
Maybe his endorsement for a washing soap named ‘wheel’ could have washed away 
all evidence. The law is still trying to persecute him as it is not yet proven 
that he was driving the car, for that matter it has not even been proved that 
someone was driving the car.

Like the lousy Hindi thriller mystery movies, in the end the villain is caught, 
but here after ten years the self-proclaimed villain, Salman Khan’s driver, 
suddenly awakes from some brain disorder it seems, to realize he was driving 
the car. So what took him ten years to realize this? Could he have got 
‘reverted’ to Islam by Zakir Naik’s speeches, where after doing the act of 
violence he should declare himself, or else he will not enter heaven and get 
his share of virgins. Even Salam Khan has claimed that he is a virgin, and this 
could be again Zakir Naik’s influence on him to claim his share of virgins in 
heaven. So all heroines who are wondering if he is impotent, they need to 
understand he could be trying to be ‘Being Muslim’, as directed by Zakir Naik.

So if instigation to violence, which is terrorism if a Muslim does it, then 
Maharashtrians who are instigated to violence towards people who are from other 
states, will their leaders too must be tried like Zakir Naik, or is the law for 
hate speech only for Zakir Naik? We had Amitabh Bachchan who instigated people 
to revenge after the assassination of our Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, 
resulting in people from the Sikh community getting slaughtered. We have had a 
leader who said Muslims should go to Pakistan and Christians to go to Rome, and 
no one has had an issue with such provocation. Some act of terrorism is done in 
some other country and the terrorist allege that they were influenced by Zakir 
Naik. Suddenly all the machinery of India gets into full gear, especially the 
press wants to judge him. No one wants to bell the cat of politicians who spew 
venom on basis of caste and creed during election time. Act of terrorism in 
Bombay which rocked the world was concluded by a (late) politician stating that 
such small incidents do happen in big cities. Next would be some maniacs 
killing people and claim they got influenced by Hindi movies, will the 
‘Intelligence Agencies’ then go about investigating Cine artists, the producers 
and directors?  Then maybe then censor board would be held accountable, who 
anyways tries to censor movies as if there are governed by some moral laws. 
Maybe going forward they would allege Zakir Naik as the reason for many cuts in 
the movies that show violence, terrorism and murder. Like now when a cigarette 
is lit in a scene of a movie, there pops a statutory warning that ‘Cigarette 
smoking is injurious to health’. So with Zakir Naik as an excuse for violence, 
bombing scenes would carry a message that ‘Bombing and killing are not 
instigated by Zakir Naik’.

Politicians promise the moon during elections and citizens of Bombay get moon 
craters on the roads during monsoons. So people who die on such roads, will the 
politicians who promised ‘Acche Din’ (Good Days) be tried? Politicians along 
with hate speech also indulge in fake speech and we had one of the ministers in 
the present government before coming to power, claimed that every Indian’s bank 
account would be deposited with 1.5 million rupees, when they come in power. 
Since no one has got this 1.5 million and someone indulges in violence would 
the joker who promised this, be tried? On the contrary the government is still 
trying hard, to have Indians in rural India to build toilet to deposit their 
excreta in the toilet. Promises of Black Money being brought to India. We are 
still struggling to get Dawood to India, and got Vijay Mallaya to get out of 
India and now Zakir Naik who claims he is rarely in India.

Digvijay Singh has even conferred the title ‘Messenger of Peace’ to Zakir Naik. 
In the process Digvijay got the message of polygamy and has got married second 
time. Two more to go. Jokers like Zakir Naik are nothing but a minor virus 
which was allowed to grow and fester hatred, leaving Intelligence and legal 
agencies scurrying for a legal vaccine so his hatred does not spread. The 
challenge is eliminating the ‘Politicians’ who need to be ‘Rested in Peace’ 
before they have India broken in pieces, and blame ‘Peace TV’ which has a virus 
that proclaims religion of Peace.

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