From: b sabha <>

From: Don Aguiar <<>>

Good Morning,

Below is an article in the latest issue of the SECULAR CITIZEN that will be on 
the stands this – 8th August 2016.

Do comment / respond on the article – And this is Christian Persecution in India

Happy Reading
Don Aguiar

And this is Christian Persecution in India                       Don Aguiar

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists 
in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the 
unreasonable man." — George Bernard Shaw

How very true…… likewise the present political party with their communal 
ideology that has formed the government in power is indeed trying to adopt the 
country according to their communal ideology ………..   Therefore all progress of 
the country will depend on their communal ideology…….. In pushing for a Hindu 

First they (the present government in power) steadily increased radical 
Hinduism, which was already present under the previous government, and started 
persecution and discrimination against the Christians

While intolerance has presently risen to a great extent, and Christians are 
constantly attacked, the central government has refused to speak out against 
the atrocities – thus further encouraging the radical Hindus to step up their 
actions. The level of impunity has gone up markedly during the pendency of the 
present government for those who push for a completely Hindu India.  The 
Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded people feel 
uncomfortable by the violence. But haven't these things been happening in 
India? And this is Christian Persecution in India.

Then they denied Christians from constructing places of worship - Christian 
churches and prayer halls - and prevented them from using common burial grounds.

Churches around India were bombed and church graves were desecrated and 
ransacked - churches were burnt or destroyed, and damaged.  The secularists, 
free thinking and minorities and likeminded people feel uncomfortable when such 
violence is directed against such a good peace loving community. But haven't 
these things been happening in India? And this is Christian Persecution in 

Then they started attacks on churches during Sunday prayers and beat up 
pastors, priest and religious and vandalized the church.

The pastors, priest and religious have legal freedom to preach and to 
proselytize. The Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded 
people feel sympathy for their lot. They are barely represented population wise 
and are now being despised and humiliated because of the religion they follow 
and profess.  The Secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded 
people feel uncomfortable when people who are peace loving and have contributed 
immensely to building India are attacked for the religion they profess. But, 
haven't these things been happening in India? And this is Christian Persecution 
in India.

Then they denied Rations to Christian believers, chased them out of their homes 
and lands and started fake encounters making fake cases and arbitrary arrests 
against them.

It seemed the communal forces are adamant and hell-bent on not allowing the 
freedom to practice and profess the religion of one’s choice as guaranteed by 
our Constitution and makes Christians out to be and treats them as 

Their passport and Aadhar Card and driving license and electricity bill and 
ration card are insufficient proof of their Indianness. It is a slogan that all 
of them must repeat, loudly and in public, to demonstrate that they are Indian 
- Their food, language, clothes, faces, bodies, all the inheritance of 
millennia that the world identifies as Indian is also incidental. It is sad 
that justice and the constitution which should be the hallmark of democracy 
which gives one the freedom to practice and profess one’s own religion are not 
being followed and is being suppressed. But haven't such things been happening 
in India? And this is Christian Persecution in India.

Then they started violence against conversion to Christianity and started a 
campaign aimed at claiming back Hindus who became Christians – ‘Ghar Vapasi’.

The nationalists in India together with the communal forces do not judge 
Christians for their achievements and contribution in building India but for 
their worship of their God. Christian worship and spreading their Word of God 
are likened to conversion. But then, which Indian government is free from this 
attitude.  Such things are happening in India and this is Christian Persecution 
in India.

The communal forces attached to the ruling party (the government) are creating 
an atmosphere of fear among Christians by attacking them and their places they 
reside in. They accuse Christians of wanting to convert [people]. This becomes 
an expression of "spontaneous anger" of "vanvasis" against conversion 
activities. Some of the mobs threaten to murder and rape the Witnesses.

On the contrary - Hindu group claims to have reconverted 2,000 tribal 
Christians to Hinduism

Why do these communal forces not want to allow one to practice and profess the 
religion of their choice? We have such a good Constitution - But that is a set 
of rules / laws. A nation is also its people and their behavior. Look at the 
text above this. Why would a Christian want to be persecuted and discriminated 
in India? The secularists, free thinking and minorities and likeminded people 
are disturbed by the knowledge that their taxes are paying for the salaries of 
politicians who promote their ideology of a Hindu India and create communal 
violence and use this type of agenda which inconvenience, maim and murder men, 
women and children of the peace loving Christian community. But haven't such 
things happened in India? And this is Christian Persecution in India.

Then all the above has resulted into continuous Religious motivated violence 
against Christians

With a fundamental Hindu agenda by this present government who has not taken 
any action on the communal forces till date has sparked pockets of severe 
persecution and discrimination for Christians in India, leaving many children 
without parents or family and many families without their house and lands. The 
violence has begun to spread with Hindu radicals enjoying near complete 
impunity for their actions. There has been an increase in attacks because these 
nationalists feel emboldened with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in power and not 
bothering to take action against the ‘communal forces’ that create an 
atmosphere of fear among the Christians. Such things are happening in India. 
And this is Christian Persecution in India.

The nationalists together with the communal forces will continue to come at the 
Christians and they will also be after the other minorities which lays out the 
agenda of hate. The nationalists and communal forces had been associated with 
anti-national activities and the spreading of hate since pre-Independence 
times. They had cooperated with the colonizers, were active in anti-Muslim 
violence during Partition, and later in Gandhiji’s assassination.

Of our present ruling government - The legislature and the executive have lost 
credibility, and the Judiciary is the last bastion of hope for the nation. A 
disaster is unfolding on the nation. We Christians need to wake up, even if 
just we are a minority, and we must fight any injustice so that justice is 

The one niggling thought that troubles me now is: do they happen because our 
present government and their ideology are intolerant to other religions and 
their agenda is to make India an exclusive Hindu nation?

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