From: b sabha <>

From: <<>>

Dear friends,

A Canadian mining company has a license for an insane idea that could become a 
planetary disaster: the world's first deep sea mine.

We all know how toxic mines can devastate land-based ecosystems -- imagine 
corporations unleashed to dig up the ocean floor for minerals, far from any 
scrutiny. It's the last thing our dying oceans need!

The good news is the company is having trouble raising funds. Let's drop an 
ocean of condemnation on this project, scare any further investors away, and 
make sure this horrific new threat to our environment dies quickly. Click to 
sign the petition, which will be publicised and sent to every potential 

Of course, the site chosen for the mine is right next to one of the world's 
ocean treasures, a rich ecosystem off the coast of Papua New Guinea that has 
everything from teeming coral reefs to sperm whales. It's a sign of what's to 
come if we don't stop this monstrous emerging industry.

The mining company has never operated at this scale, and is already in 
financial trouble. The project is risky. If we make it even more hazardous by 
showing the significant economic uncertainties, we might actually stop the 
mine, and make sure the industry gets a cautionary tale about messing with our 

Across the planet, we're in a battle to maintain a sane balance between humans 
and the natural world, a balance that is necessary for sustainable development, 
and that scientists tell us is necessary for our own survival, as well as 
countless other species. It's greed vs sanity -- let's make sure the right one 

Scientists who study ecosystems talk about how remarkably interdependent they 
are. We humans are enormously dependent for our survival on small creatures 
like plankton, or larger ones like sea urchins. We often think of humans as a 
virus, predatory on our ecosystem. But Avaaz is a movement for people who seek 
to be protectors and stewards of our natural world, to eventually live in 
harmony with it.

>From that perspective, this campaign is part of our role in our ecosystem, as 
>guardians protecting and serving the wondrous planet that is our home. We on 
>the Avaaz team are so grateful to play this role with all of us in this 
>magical movement.

With hope,

Ricken, Nell, Christoph, Lisa, Luis, Risalat and the rest of the Avaaz team


Deep Sea Mining: An Invisible Land Grab (National Geographic)

Nautilus Minerals continues to consider alternative financing (Reuters)

The Ocean Could Be the New Gold Rush (National Geographic)

Tiny sea creatures are saving us from hell on earth. So why are we endangering 
them? (Grist)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that 
the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. 
("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in 
every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 
continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest 
campaigns here<>, or follow us 
on Facebook<> or 

You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails 
when you signed "Papua New Guinea: Stop the deep sea mine" on 2016-08-15 
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