From: b sabha <>
Smartphones free up brain space but ruin memory: UK study - Times of 
Ease of accessing online contents through smartphones, tablets and laptops can 
free up brain space, but it makes harder to remember details when unaided, 
affecting our ability to recall information, British researchers said today.

LONDON: Ease of 
tablets and 
laptops<> can free 
up brain space, but it makes harder to remember details when unaided, affecting 
our ability to recall information, British researchers said today.

Growing options of 
 such as smartphones, tablets and laptops can free-up mental resources by 
outsourcing unnecessary tasks to the gadgets.

However, their scientific evidence also found the ease of access to 
 searches is making it harder for humans to remember information without the 
help of a computer.

"Remembering your shopping list or an appointment is not the most effective use 
of your cognitive resources and if you can be reminded of that task it frees-up 
more space which can be used for a number of things," said Sam 
Gilbert<>, a research 
fellow in cognitive neuroscience at University College 
London<> and 
one of the authors of the review published in 'Trends in Cognitive Sciences'.

This so-called "cognitive offloading" or the use of tools to reduce the demand 
on our brains should strengthen our memories but other studies the experts 
considered showed 
 are affecting our ability to remember details.

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Research into sat-navs showed drivers who used Global Positioning 
 remembered less about their journeys and struggled to complete the routes 
again when unaided.

Smartphone makers, you are launching too many models feel customers
Another study into the use of digital 
 showed those who took pictures in museums could not recall as many details 
about exhibits as those who did not.

"There is a clear need to better understand how offloading demands onto various 
technologies impact on our organic abilities both in the short - and 
long-term," the review added.

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