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The Konknnes and the Kirrghes
A Once Upon a Time Translator's Take on the Konkani Script Imbroglio

By Augusto Pinto

If you are confused about the controversies that erupt every
now and then in Goa, then remember that you only have to know
this: the teatro is all about the Konknnes and the Kirrghes.
(Kirrghes is what witty Konknnes call the Cristaos; and if
you don't know who Konknnes are what are you doing drinking
in this bar? Vai se embora! Or voshimor, if you please.)

Okay its also about the Saraswats and the Bahujan Samaj (some
think this is the real natak -- but let's not confuse matters
right now), the Mull Goenkars and the Moradores, the Brahmins
and the Sudras, the Bamons and the Chaddes, the Konkniwadis
and Marathiwadis and Englishwadis, Devanagari script and
Roman script, the rich and the poor and the ugly and so on
and so forth.

But if you don't understand the main story, you'll never
understand these sub-plots. And of course there are the
Bhailles [in case you think I'm being derogatory let me have
you know that I'm going to have all my daughters marry
Bhailles.  I wouldn't trust a Goenkar -- Konknno, Kirrgho, or
Moir -- they drink too much, they smoke too much, they...
(Whoa! This is a family program. -Ed. Okay, okay. -A.P.)

Take for instance the Konkani script controversy: once you
know that its all about the Konknnes and the Kirrghes, what
more do you need to know. It's all about them squabbling
over things like getting 1) government jobs for their family
and friends and 2) awards like the Sahitya Akademi ones for
the writers themselves.  Personally I think its all rather
silly, as nobody gets a government job because they knew this
or that script, language or dialect. All one needs is the
moolah. Look at any currency note and all the scripts and all
the languages of India that anyone will ever require will be
found on it. It's only a question of stuffing it in the right

And as for the Sahitya Akademi awards, is it that such a big
deal? Whoever read a book just because the writer won an
Akademi award? Does a Gabriel Garcia Marquez care a hoot if
the Argentinian Sahitya Akademi, or whatever it is they call
it there, don't give him an award? Does Paulo Coelho lose
sleep because he didn't get the Brazilian Akademi award? All
the awards they want, they get from their publishers, every
time they call to tell them their latest sales figures.

It's not that I'm trying to pooh pooh the identity crises
that hits some folks because their script or dialect is
devalued, but everybody from the Pope to the pimp is battling
one existential demon or the other, and these sob stories get
terribly irksome after a while.

          The point I'm trying to make is that the  real
          writer gets his kicks from having what he writes
          read by more and more people.  And the only way
          that this can happen to Konkani writers, whose
          readership base is quite limited, is by having
          their work translated. at least into English, and
          hopefully into other languages as well,especially
          Marathi and Hindi.

So instead of squabbling among themselves and with the
Marathiwadis, Englishwadis and so on for pieces of a little
battatwada, which doesn't taste too good anyway, what they
should be doing is assiduously cultivating translators who
can bring out the class of these writers. I'm presuming of
course that there is genuine talent waiting to be unearthed.

My own experiences in this regard are not especially sweet.

Some seventeen odd years ago I, for some mad but noble
reason, approached the editor of a Goan monthly with the idea
that I'd showcase the best Konkani writers I could find. I
translated, among others, Pundalik Naik's The Turtle,
Chandrakant Keni's Hippie Girl, Damodar Mauzo's Theresa's Man
and a short lyric by Tanaji Halarnkar called I am the Flower
of a Datura Tree (the last by the way was the most difficult
and took about three months before I was satisfied with the

I also translated but didn't publish Ravindra Kelekar's Ego,
itself an adaptation of Albee's Zoo Story and which I feel
would be a better version for Indian actors who usually
murder foreign accents.  After the editor fell out with me
for some stupid reason not related to the translations the
project ended.

The work was quite tough given the speed at which I read
Devanagri (this by the way is the biggest problem about
getting good Konkani translators -- those capable of writing
English of "Literaary" standards are often too slow at
reading Konkani). The payment was embarrassing, and my name
was printed in the finest point size possible at the bottom
of the text. Still I enjoyed the work while it lasted.

The curious thing was that I never personally met any of
these writers when I did the work, and once the translations
came out, not even one them thought it fit to enquire or give
any feedback. Nobody came to say -- arre baba, I've got some
more stories; why don't you translate them as well.

I thought it pretty strange that when a rare commodity like a
good translator falls into your lap you completely cold
shoulder him.

(C'mon Augusto, you don't seriously expect people of the
stature of Chandrakant Keni and Pundalik Naik to approach
you? All this stuff smacks of donkey praising his own "tale"
heh heh!! - Ed.  If nobody blows a trumpet for me, I'll blow
one myself. And tell me otherwise why did those anthologists
prefer just those few translations I did? A.P.)

          Anyway since that time, quite a few more
          translators have appeared: Vidya Pai, Xavier Cotta,
          Mukesh Thali, Dr Olivinho Gomes, Dr Kiran Budkuley,
          Ashwin Tombat, Madhav Borkar and Sachin Pai Raikar
          are some of the names I've come across. Some are
          quite good especially with prose; some are wood,
          though we shall not take names, shall we. The
          translations of poetry put me off. All of them need
          better editors, preferably someone who has some
          access to the original text.

(Naturally you mean yourself. Would you mind not using my
columns to self advertise? Ed. - Sorry boss A.P.)

I notice that the Konkani Akademi is also trying to generate
more translators by organising translation workshops and
seminars. Maybe this helps though I wouldn't know never
having allowed myself to be bored by any of these. I
personally feel that better results will come simply by
making the profession of translation more financially viable
(I believe that only Vidya Pai is a translator by profession)
and by giving the translators themselves more recognition --
at least as much as the venerable Konkani writer herself.

The last will be the most difficult pill for them to swallow;
but unless the Konkani writers realise that unless the
translation reads like an original work in English its use is
quite limited. To drive home, the point literary translators
need to be people who could possibly write an original work
in English themselves -- but in addition to this be able to
master a wide range of prose and verse styles and then know
when to use which -- and have the judgement to know when to
translate, transcreate or adapt.

Before this gets more abstruse than it already has, may I
conclude by giving some free advice to all writers, Konknne,
Kirrghe, Marathwadi, Konkniwadi whatever -- make literary mog
not war -- the babies that will follow will be a joy for all.
(Goanet Reader)

Augusto Pinto teaches English litterature at Panjim. He lives at Moira.

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