Frederick FN Noronha * ????????? ???????? * ??????? ??????? fredericknoronha1 
Thu Aug 25 15:24:03 PDT 2016 wrote:
* Old enough to marry...
* Four years older than the minimum age to vote...
* Too young to be taken seriously in a job.
* Three years beyond your teenage years.
* Or... just old enough to be Goanet.

Happy 22nd birthday Goanet. And happy birthday to Herman Carneiro too.
Pls take a look at

25 Aug 2016.

SAD that Goanet, that started  with Goans worldwide discussing issues and 
actively debating have just melted out from the Forum.
A Forum that I took a liking because it had members who were qualified and fit 
to debate with.
Why have they all shunned Goanet now?
Will the Admins of Goanet introspect?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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