From: b sabha <>

state' draws ire
Makarand Gadgil TWEETS @makarandmirror1

Rights activists and opposition parties denounce the draft Protection of 
Interna Security Act, claim the `draconian' law will restrict the people's 
right to protest
The draft of a new internal security law which the ruling dispensation claims 
will brace the state against insur gency and violence of any kind has rattled 
activists and opposition parties in the state, who claim that it will tighten 
the noose on the people's right to protest, while restricting their movement.

The BJP-ruled government released the draft Maharashtra Protection of Internal 
Security Act (MPISA) on its website on Saturday, giving three weeks to the 
people to give suggestions and raise objections to it.

The proposed Act purportedly aims to neutralise threat from terror ism, 
insurgency, and communal and caste violence by ceding unprecedented power to 
the police, activists say, even as opposition parties cry foul over the 
“draconian“ and “undemocratic“ law.

The draft proposes to carve special security zones, or SSZs, where movement of 
arms, explosives and inflow of unaccounted funds will be prohibited. The ambit 
of these SSZs will cover dams, defence establishments, government facilities 
and buildings, nuclear reactors and transportation systems, all of which have 
been identified as `critical infrastructure sectors'.

If cleared, it will be the first such law at state-level, which that intends to 
reinforce internal security by giving more power to the police department.

Under the Act, any device or substance that can lead to explosions or threaten 
public safety and order can be proscribed altogether from the special security 
zone, or regulated.Rights bodies fear that this clause gives a licence to the 
cops to basically ban anything they want more or less anywhere.

The law also makes it mandatory for all private institutes to carry out CCTV 
surveillance and fortify their premises with police presence. The footage from 
the security cameras should be stored for up to 30 days, the draft lays down. 
It is feared that this will allow for replicating the ruthless checks and 
dilatory frisking people are subject to at air ports and malls everywhere: from 
government offices to pri vate institutions, malls, industries, railway 
stations, bus depots, dams and water pipelines.

What has irked the opposition and activists the most is the requirement of 
prior police permission for any assembly of more than 100 persons in SSZs. 
Worse, violators will face up to three years in jail.

Ulka Mahajan, convener of the National Movement for People's Alliance (NAPAM), 
questioned the need to enact a new law when the state has a whole arsenal of 
internal security laws at its disposal. “We suspect this is nothing but an 
attempt to put curbs on public protests and movements against unjust projects 
thrust upon them in the name of infrastructure and security,“ she said.

She pointed out the irony that the law is being brought in by a party, the 
ruling BJP, which claimed to be at the vanguard of protests against the 
Emergency in the 1970s.

The Opposition panned the Act as undemocratic and oppressive.“The powers 
proposed for the police to arrest anyone on mere suspicion, and the provisions 
of curbing people's agitation go patently against the democratic ethos of this 
country,“ Congress legislator and party spokesman Sanjay Dutt said. “They plan 
to crush dissent, which is growing every day due to the inept and corrupt 
functioning of this government.“

To help enforce the Act, a new internal security committee chaired by the home 
minister by virtue of his office will be set up. Its other members will include 
the minister of state (home), the chief secretary, the director general of 
police, and the state intelligence department's chief.


TOI Aug 29th
PUBLIC EYE PRAFULLA MARPAKWAR - CM in a fix after fiasco over Maha security bill

A week after a huge embarrassment over Bhagwan Sahai episode, for BJP's first 
Chief Mini ster Devendra Fadnavis, it was yet another major embarrassment over 
the proposed Maharashtra Protection of Internal Security Act. In less than a 
fortnight, Fadnavis had to withdraw the draft notification of the controversial 
legislation from the official website of the state government.The home 
department led by Fadnavis put up the draft notification on the website and 
quietly withdrew it after there was loud protest all over. It appears that high 
ran king bureaucrats in the general administration and home department failed 
to assess the situation and understand public perception. A quick look over the 
contents of the proposed Maharashtra Protection of Internal Security Act, leads 
one to the conclusion that while an attempt was made to define critical 
equipment and installations, at the same ti me, the provisions pertaining to 
assembly of people and public events were anti-de mocratic and gave immense 
powers to the law enforcing agencies.Leader of opposition Radhakrishna Vikhe 
Patil had described the provisions of the anti-democratic legislation as 
draconian which directly encroached on the personal liberty of the people. In 
view of stringent criticism from all quarters, Fadnavis said that he has asked 
the department to forthwith withdraw the draft legislation drafted by the 
anti-terrorism squad from the website of the state government. A huge victory 
for the crisis-ridden opposition.

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