Panaji Chief Judicial Magistrate Pooja Kavlekar today directed the Panaji
Police to register an F.I.R under Sections 280 and 287 of the Indian Penal
Code in connection with the 26th June St Inez Creek mishap involving Panaji
Mayor Surendra Furtado. The Court has also directed the police to complete
the investigation of the case within two months.

The Court directions were issued on a petition filed seeking that an F.I.R
be registered against Panaji Mayor Surendra Furtado and others for having
on 26th June acted recklessly in the St Inez Creek thus endangering human
lives and damaging public property.

Alleging that the Police were shielding Mayor Surendra Furtado, in the petition
that was filed under Section 156 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code it was
sought that Court directions be issued to the police to register the F.I.R
against Surendra Furtado and others. It was also sought that the Court
monitor the investigation as the accused Surendra Furtado was politically
very influential.

The Court’s attention was drawn that a major man made tragedy was averted
on 26th June at the St Inez creek when Mayor Surendra Furtado and six
others very high-handedly boarded the de-weeding machine though he was
specifically instructed not to do so by the MLA of Taleigao Jennifer
Monseratte as well as the machine operator.

The  incident happened when the weeding machine turned turtle on account of
the weight imbalance which occurred due to Surendra Furtado and others
boarding it despite being warned not to do so.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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