The Press, even the Tabloid Press, rarely cause the trouble. If you are in the business, you develop a good nose for trouble.

Keith Vaz:
3 Political life
    3.1 Rushdie affair
    3.2 Leicester IRA attack
    3.3 Filkin inquiry
    3.4 Hinduja affair
    3.5 Suspension from House of Commons
    3.6 Nadhmi Auchi
    3.7 Home Affairs Select Committee
    3.8 Speculation over Counter-Terrorism Bill
    3.9 Conflict of interest
    3.10 Detention without charge inquiry
    3.11 Parliamentary expenses
    3.12 Patrick Mercer affair
    3.13 Alternative medicine
    3.14 Loudspeaker use during 2015 election campaign
    3.15 Tabloid allegations relating to escorts

Remind me again what Goans were proud about.

Or is this, again, an indication that the group tends to rarely examine the facts and are overly proud of 'fellow-brown-members-of-the club' as this gives them sense of community and accomplishment...

Individuals rightly should be proud of their own individual accomplishments.

Goans as a whole should take the time and, look at and examine collectively the community has accomplished...

My take: It will never happen.

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell

--- Frederick FN Noronha  wrote ---
Can't understand if *amcho* Keith is one heck of a guy who's always
courting trouble, or if it's the Brit tabloids always hounding this
politician of colour. Or is it a mix of both?

--- Roland Francis wrote ---
I feel sorry for him...He broke many glass ceilings and rose to high political positions. He made Goans proud...If only he did not get enmeshed in situations...

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