Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 


  Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches...and even s/he sometimes 
does not know how to prevent a shoe-bite. That is the predicament of the 
communities during orchestrated communal violence. Is eve-teasing terrible 
only when it is inter community. Is it okay for a hindu boy to eve-tease a 
hindu girl, a catholic boy to eve-tease a catholic girl and a muslim boy to 
tease a muslim girl? Is eve-teasing a crime or only cross-community 
eve-teasing a crime?

  Lindalifa Gonsalves, the daughter of a Policeman from Saligao committed 
suicide because of eve-teasing in a bus. In the almost two decades that have 
passed since, the culprits were not arrested and charged with abetting 
suicide...let alone being convicted of the crime. Bus conductors continue to 
abuse girls and women, not wear uniforms and over-crowd buses. Do we see any 
political party taking up the cause of these hapless travellers. So what was 
special about this girl....or the timing of the rioting and forcible 
shut-down of the market. ELECTIONS...it gives them the fever!

  Mog asundi.


  Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 10:12:52 +0530
  From: Sachin Phadte

  In his first report on the incident, Godfrey seemed to have given an
  impression that the BJP had tried to take advantage of the incident.
  However, in the second report, it seems to me that the brother of the 
victim of eve-teasing was deliberately attacked by the alleged eve-teaser.
  It seems to me to be a clear case of an anti-social behaviour than any 
communal angle. Can Godfredy give some more information?

  Sachin Phadte.

  Message: 9
  Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 10:50:39 +0530
   Sachin Phadte < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

  I had sent the earlier message before I read Clinton's message.Sachin

  Message: 10
  Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:30:57 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Carvalho < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Re: [Goanet] Margao Riots and Navhind Times and secular

  --- Clinton Vaz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > On Wednesday morning, a simple fight in Margao, was
  > unnecessarily built up and communalized by the saffron party.

  There is something really wrong in a society that
  believes it has to victimise people because of their
  religious leanings.

  Where is the moral leadership in situations like this?
  Will leading Hindu politicos come out in public and
  decry it? Will the police arrest those responsible
  and bring them to justice? Or will they be let out
  within the hour to rein havoc without penalty?

  Have your own spiritual beliefs, worship your Gods in
  your house, pray that your mancurads ripen, your visa
  to the Gulf comes through, your daughter marries an
  NRI, but try to form public opinion with your mumbo
  jumbo, and you should be shut down with the force of a


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