Shipwreck treasure off Goa coast
Mayabhushan | Panaji
Next time you are headed for Goa, it makes sense to pack in your scuba gear 
along with swimming trunks.
With more than three shipwrecks discovered and explored off the State’s coast 
in the last seven years, marine scientists at the National Institute of 
Oceanography (NIO) here believe that Goa might be the next big thing as far as 
underwater shipwreck exploration is concerned. 
“We have begun explorations since 1988 but regular, organised explorations 
began in 1997. We had found two ships earlier, but this is the first time we 
found a steel-hulled steamship,” NIO marine researcher Dr Sila Tripathi told 
The Pioneer, adding that the recent find was a century-old merchant ship. 
Over time, however, some of the underwater relics have been stripped bare of 
their merchandise by local divers.
“Boilers, furnace bricks, flanges, broken copper pipes and tubes were found 
scattered over a wide area. The engine, which appears to be a triple-expansion 
type, is reasonably well preserved, though local divers have despoiled the 
wreck in the recent past. They have removed copper alloys, and other attractive 
or saleable items,” Dr Tripathi said.
In the last few years, three wrecks — including a 17th century merchant ship 
(oldest wreck found in Indian waters to date) — were found at the Sunchi Reef 
(between Mormugao harbour and the promontories of Cabo headland), a Basel 
Mission Company shipwreck at St George reef (eastern side of Grande Island to 
the south of Mormugao port) and the recently-explored merchant ship at Amee 
shoals (a sand bank that divides the Mormugao bay from the Arabian Sea).
The Sunchi shipwreck, found in 2006, fetched a unique brass barrel of a 
handgun, iron guns, an anchor, Chinese ceramics, Martaban pottery (stoneware), 
assorted bases of glass bottles, elephant tusks, hippopotamus teeth, lead pipe 
fragments, a copper vessel and strip, stone bricks and dressed granite blocks — 
all sitting pretty at one location.
According to the NIO, the wrecks have offered rare glimpses and vital clues to 
the Portuguese and British maritime trade. 
“The stamps on the flanges and the name on the firebricks of the wreck suggest 
a British origin, and the three scotch boilers indicate that it was a large 
merchant ship (naval vessels used water-tube boilers),” Tripathi said. 
The scientist further said that in the 1880s, steel from Sheffield (England) 
was imported by Portugal for the laying of a railway line from Mormugao to 
Castle Rock, a railway station in Karnataka near the border with Goa. “The 
vessel could be from that period. However, lack of datable finds means that it 
is difficult to identify the date and origin of this wreck,” Tripathi rued. 
With Goa being a major trading post for the Portuguese, it is suspected that a 
large number of ships sunk off its shores. “The Portuguese records housed in 
the Goa State Archives, Panaji, and India House, Lisbon, hint at the wrecking 
of numerous Portuguese shipwrecks in shallow waters off Goa, with its 
treacherous reefs and sand-bars, in prevailing storms or due to enemy fire,” Dr 
KH Vora, a marine archaeology project leader at the NIO said.
The Portuguese had established several shipyards in Bassein (Maharashtra), 
Cochin (Kerala), Goa and Daman on the western coast of India. 
Goa alone had three shipyards situated on the banks of the Mandovi. Well-known 
ships that were built in Goa shipyard at the time include the Santo António de 
Tanna, Cinco Chagas, São João Baptista, Bom Jesus and Madre de Deus. 










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