I like to bring the following points:Yesterday evening when I dialed 1912reg. 
electrical problems, I was surprised to note the difference when we were 
earlierdialing 1912 we were able to understand the language either in English 
orKonkani, but now the system has changed, now there are 3 language options: 
onein Marathi, Hindi, and English for selection of Language. I chose English as 
Iam comfortable to understand and clear the problems faced by consumer. 
Afterselecting the language, I was further given 3 options:- when I selected 
the 2ndoption from the tape recorded message, it asked for consumer no. with 12 
digitsbut on checking the bill the consumer no. does not  have 12 digits but 
consumer i.d. is given.Then it kept on repeating for some time, finally I was 
told I will be directedto the customer representative who will speak to me to 
clear the doubt. Thecustomer rep. came when I took the option of English and he 
talked with meMarathi instead of English though I used option in Englsih but 
since I am notcomfortable in Marathi but could understand and so I replied in 
Konkani. Hesaid voice is not clear and disconnected the line. I thought it must 
be some networkproblem and so again I dialed the Helpline and answered in 
Konkani. Again hedisconnected the second time. At least for me I can understand 
little bit ofMarathi but what about other Goans who have never learned Marathi 
besides theirown Mother tongue Konkani.Earlier while in Bombay, I couldnot well 
versed in Marathi well but when I spoke all others around wouldridicule me as I 
did not have proper grasp of the Marathi  language. But now  when I am in Goa, 
I talked in Konkani believingit is an official language of Goa and is much 
easier to pick up.I understand that about 400electrical line helpers have got 
jobs though many of them  beingMigrants but our locals are neglected as they 
have no say and are not  backed by the dual minded influentialpoliticians.As 
all of us know our ancestralheritage of Konkani is talked in our Society as 
this language makes nodistinction irrespective of community, race, colour etc. 
The Official languageof Konkani is spoken in our society from grassroots level 
and being ourproperty it can be verified with documentary facts. If Konkani 
today getsneglected for the sake of Marathi, our sentimental traditional 
language willnever develop and will have no importance in any level,  be it any 
level  Government or academic etc. for the peaceful  harmony of Goa.  Or else 
it will dry out if neglected by ourwell versed influential politicians around 
the State of Goa. As our well verseddual minded politicians know how to 
misguide the language issue by giving us moreabout statistics of journalists, 
poets, writers etc., who have neglected our traditionallanguage of Kokani. The 
roadmap  of ourlanguage is Konkani and  its History is deeprooted in our 
culture. Its purpose will be defeated as Official Language if itis not used in 
official purpose and it would lead to deletion of thishistorical ancient 
traditional language Kokani in our everyday life. Also Iunderstand that  
Konkani  is Indo Aryan Language.  We all respect the language of Marathi butthe 
cunning master politicians do not respect our Konkani Language and 
misguideGoans.Today our Central  Government has done lot of good like products 
cantunderstand why the avaricious dual minded politicians especially in Goa 
aretrying their best to gain a POLITICAL mileage before elections and they are 
notbacking INDIAN ENGLISH LANGAUGE AS MADE IN INDIA. Otherwise we make 
everyproduct to be in Made in India successfully forgetting our Indian 
English.Also LED LIGHT BULBS which waspurchased for Rs.25.00 each in June was 
not working and so I called Customercare in Delhi who directed me talk to 
customer care in Goa. Last month whenthey came to Goa , Electricity Dept., I 
showed the faulty LED bulb,  they gave me replacement but now we noticedthat 
other 2 bulbs starts blinking in the night but other tubelights do notblink. I 
thought earlier it was voltage problem but if it was voltage issue, Idon’t 
understand why the other tubelights are not blinking. Inspite of callingthe 
customercare in Goa who does not bother to respond which was given as772208387. 
It is a loss for me and gain for the company who supplied LED BULBS toGoa.Today 
Vidharba wants to carvetheir own State away from  Maharashtradue to various 
factors like neglect of development in that State but it isstrongly opposed by 
the Opposition Lobby who are stopping  the freedom rights of people of 
Vidharbha.Dont you agree that this languageof Konkani will be forgotten and 
neglected if Marathi is given more  importance than our traditional mother 
tongue Konkani. I am sure it can develop if notneglected but otherwise it will 
create differences in minds of Goan youth reg.Language in future. With regards, 

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