To, Dr Shekhar Salkar

Recd your following email, which is forwarded by Mr. Prakash Munshi, who
has asked me for comments.

In reply to Question NO. 3of Mr. Prakash Munshi
Do you know what our Honourable Prime Minister says of on radiation from
Mobile Towers? He has written under his signature that Radiation from
Mobile Towers has proved killers to the creatures and bees. Do you feel
that the Honourable Prime Minister’s opinion is false?

*You have mentioned in your Answer *
*"Yes, I feel the honourable Prime Minister’s opinion is false because he
is neither a scientist nor a medical doctor. He has never done any
experiments on any creatures."*

So much disrespect to India's PM is not good. I fully agree with  him that
Radiation from Mobile Towers has proved killers to the creatures and bees.
You should know that PM has access to all the scientists and medical
doctors of India.

There are 4000 scientific papers, which are written by 100's of scientists
of the world and peer reviewed and published in the best possible journal
of the world. How can you neglect these papers? I know that there are
25,000 papers, which say there is no health hazard or there is no
conclusive evidence but scientists have found that nearly 75% of these
papers are funded by industry.

I have interacted with 100's of people who have developed several health
problems, such as, headache to cancer.
I have myself done experiments on rats using electromagnetic radiation and
noted severe health hazards due to EM radiation.

IARC classified RF radiation as Possibly Carcinogen (Class 2B) but
unfortunately WHO classified only Cell Phone as Possibly Carcinogen (Class
Nearly 200 scientists have urged WHO to classify RF radiation as Probable
Carcinogen (Class 2A) and even Known Carcinogen (Class 1).

Even IMC report of Jan. 2011 and Environment Ministry Report of Nov. 2011
have documented 100's of papers, which show health hazards.

If you want, I can give you plenty of papers, people who are affected by
radiation, birds, bees, trees which are getting affected and so on.

I am copying this email to several others who have interacted with me in
the past.

Girish Kumar
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department
I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA
Tel. - (022) 2576 7436, Fax  - (022) 2572 3707
email -,

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Prakash Munshi <> wrote:

> For comments please
> Prakash Munshi
> Raj Niketan
> Opp. Sahyadri State Guest House
> B G Kher Marg
> Mumbai 400006
> Tel 022 23685256 , 23672115
> Cell 9820400053
> Email
> Web.
> FB.
> FB.
> YouTube ReduceEMFRadiation
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* Prakash Munshi <>
> *Date:* 22 September 2016 at 12:55:11 IST
> *To:* shekhar salkar <>
> *Subject:* *Re: Why not tell us what research have you done?*
> Thank you so much for your reply .
> Prakash Munshi
> Raj Niketan
> Opp. Sahyadri State Guest House
> B G Kher Marg
> Mumbai 400006
> Tel 022 23685256 , 23672115
> Cell 9820400053
> Email
> Web.
> FB.
> FB.
> YouTube ReduceEMFRadiation
> On 22-Sep-2016, at 12:24, shekhar salkar <> wrote:
> Dear Munshiji,
> Here are answers to your questions:
>  Question Number 1:
>  Have you done any research in laboratories with Antennae shooting out
> power at 20 watts / 40 >watts each and rats at 5 >meters distance? Did they
> survive? How will you know if  Answer Number 1:
> My U.S.-based medical colleague, Dr. Santosh Helekar (Dr. SH) and his
> colleagues have done research with high strength magnetic fields ranging
> from 14,800 Gauss (1.48 Tesla) to 30,000 Gauss (3 Tesla), and with the
> non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation emanating from them in normal adult
> human beings and neurological patients. They have never suffered from
> cancer as a result of that.  The National Toxicology Laboratory (NTP) has
> done the research quoted in your question above. That research showed not
> only that those rats survived but that they lived longer than the rats that
> were NOT exposed to those antennae. Dr. SH has done many experiments, so he
> knows.
> Question Number 2:
>  Do you know what the NTP study of USA 2016 says (Please refer to the NTP
> Toxicologist Reply)? Do >you know of people who >have died and suffered of
> Cancer with antennae at hand shake distances from their residences?
>  Answer Number 2:
> The NTP study says that the rats exposed to antennae survived longer than
> the rats that were not exposed to them. Please read the prematurely
> circulated results of that study at this link:
> Please note that the authors circulated these results without subjecting
> them to proper rigorous scientific peer review, which makes their validity
> highly suspicious, in addition to being too premature, inconclusive and
> bizarre.
> I know of many more people who have died and suffered of cancer with
> antennae far away from their residences.
> The NTP toxicologist’s reply is contradicted by the following reports in
> one of the world’s foremost science journals and a website devoted to
> promoting science-based medicine:
> r-study-links-tumors-cellphone-radiation
> marginal-results-does-not-prove-that-cell-phones-cause-
> cancer-no-matter-what-mother-jones-and-consumer-reports-say/
>  Question Number 3:
> Do you know what our Honourable Prime Minister says of on radiation from
> Mobile Towers? He has >written under his signature >that Radiation from
> Mobile Towers has proved killers to the creatures and bees. Do you feel
> that the Honourable Prime >Minister’s opinion is false?
>  Answer Number 3:
> Yes, I feel the honourable Prime Minister’s opinion is false because he is
> neither a scientist nor a medical doctor. He has never done any experiments
> on any creatures.
>  Question Number 4:
> Do you know how many ladies have suffered due putting their mobile phones
> under their bras or in blouses in USA (Please >advise if radiation from
> Mobile Phone causes breast cancer?)
>  Answer Number 4:
> No such study has been published in the medical literature in U.S.A.
> Somebody must have given you wrong information. Mobile phones have not been
> proven to cause breast cancer.
> Question Number 5:
>  Do you know COAI Director General Rajan Mathews stays 500 meters away
> from nearest Mobile Tower and Padma Shri Harsh Mahajan >a prominent
> Radiologist in New Delhi prefers not to stay in front of Mobile Towers. Why?
>  Answer Number 5:
> I don’t know their exact reasons. But I suspect it is because they hold
> mistaken beliefs that are not supported by carefully peer-reviewed,
> rigorously tested medical scientific evidence.
>  Question Number 5:
>  How many Mobile Tower antennae are outside your house and at what
> distance? Please tell me >honestly.
>  Answer Number 6:
> I will measure and let you know. But Dr. SH tells me that there are 37
> towers and 277 antennae within a radius of 4 miles surrounding his house,
> and he does not want to move to the jungle.
> Yours sincerely,
> Dr. Shekhar Salkar
> Dr Shekhar Salkar
> MS,FICS(Onco )
> Chief of Clinical Services,
> Chief of Depatment of Oncology
> Manipal hospital Goa
> Chairman ,
> Goa Medical Council
> President ,
> Goa Cricket Association
> President,
> GOKARMA Oncology Association
> President,
> GOKARMA oncology medical trust
> General Secretary,
> National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication (India)
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 9:46 PM, PRAKASH MUNSHI <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Dr. Salkar,
>> Thank you for your email. I quote below the comments of your email which
>> you have sent me yesterday from an ex  Senior Toxicology in the US National
>> Toxicology Program which would clear your ignorance.
>> *An Ex Senior Toxicologist in US National Toxicology Program has
>> mentioned that “With increasing scientific evidence of adverse health
>> effects caused by radio frequency radiation electromagnetic fields
>> (RF-EMF), it would be irresponsible for the Government of India to increase
>> the permissible levels of radiated power from antennas used for
>> transmitting wireless telephone service without adequately addressing the
>> health impact of this action on the general public.”*
>> *Guidelines that have been established by government agencies for human
>> exposure limits to RF-EMF have been based on protecting individuals from
>> adverse effects that might occur due to increases in tissue or body
>> temperature.*
>> *Results reported recently from studies in laboratory animals by the US
>> National Toxicology Program (NTP), demonstrate that tumors in the brain and
>> heart as well as DNA damage in brain cells can be induced by RF-EMF at
>> exposure intensities that do not cause measurable increases in body
>> temperature.*
>> *These results will (or should) lead to reductions in permissible
>> exposure limits to RFR by government regulatory agencies. *
>> *Thus, if the Government of India decides to allow increased power
>> emissions from cell towers (base stations), then it is incumbent on the
>> Government to inform its citizens on how this action will increase their
>> exposures to RF-EMF and increase their risks of adverse health effects -
>> most important is that the Government address the increase in health risks
>> for exposed children.*
>> I request you once again to please reply to the following unanswered
>> questions of my earlier email which are related to science:
>>    - Have you done any research in laboratories with Antennae shooting
>>    out power at 20 watts / 40 watts each and rats at 5 meters distance? Did
>>    they survive? How will you know if you have not done any experiments?
>>    Please Don't make the unaware ignorant helpless Citizens of Goa and India
>>    lab rats!
>>    - Do you know what the NTP study of USA 2016 says *(Please refer to
>>    the NTP Toxicologist Reply)?* Do you know of people who have died and
>>    suffered of Cancer with antennae at hand shake distances from their
>>    residences ?
>>    - Do you know what our Honourable Prime Minister says of  on
>>    radiation from Mobile Towers ? He has written under his signature that
>>    Radiation from Mobile Towers has proved killers to the creatures and bees.
>>    Do you feel that the Honourable Prime Minister’s opinion is false?
>>    - Do you know how many ladies have suffered due putting their mobile
>>    phones under their bras or in blouses in USA *(Please advise if
>>    radiation from Mobile Phone causes breast cancer ?)*
>>    - Do you know COAI Director General Rajan Mathews stays 500 meters
>>    away from nearest Mobile Tower and Padma Shri Harsh Mahajan a
>>    prominent Radiologist in New Delhi prefers not to stay in front of Mobile
>>    Towers . Why ?
>>    - How many Mobile Tower antennae are outside your house and at what
>>    distance ? Please tell me honestly .
>> We await your reply?
>> Prakash R Munshi
>> 3 Raj Niketan
>> Opp. Sahyadri State Guest House
>> B G Kher Marg
>> Mumbai 400006
>> Tel : 022 23685256
>> Cell : +91 98204 00053 ( sms please )
>> *Email :* /
>> *Facebook:* *
>> <>*
>> *YouTube : *Reduce EMF Radiation *Twitter :* @prmunshi/@reduceradiation
>> *Skype :* prmunshi
>>> *From:* shekhar salkar <>
>>> *Date:* 19 September 2016 at 12:08:23 IST
>>> *To:* Prakash Munshi <>
>>> *Subject:* *Re: Why not tell us what research have you done?*
>>> those are not relevant in science!!!
>>> pl concentrate on things which can save lives and we know and conformed
>>> dangerous to human being!!!
>>> u can go on disscussing there is no end to this pl dont creat
>>> unneccessary hype on cancer threats!!!
>>> Dr Shekhar Salkar
>>> MS,FICS(Onco )
>>> Chief of Clinical Services,
>>> Chief of Depatment of Oncology
>>> Manipal hospital Goa
>>> Chairman ,
>>> Goa Medical Council
>>> President ,
>>> Goa Cricket Association
>>> President,
>>> GOKARMA Oncology Association
>>> President,
>>> GOKARMA oncology medical trust
>>> General Secretary,
>>> National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication (India)
>>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Prakash Munshi <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Dr Salkar
>>>> You still have not replied on my questions except on NTP 2016 .
>>>> Could you please reply to my email in toto. Please see also what our PM
>>>> says that these are KILLERS !
>>>> Prakash Munshi
>>>> Raj Niketan
>>>> Opp. Sahyadri State Guest House
>>>> B G Kher Marg
>>>> Mumbai 400006
>>>> Tel 022 23685256 , 23672115
>>>> Cell 9820400053
>>>> Email
>>>> Web.
>>>> FB.
>>>> FB.
>>>> YouTube ReduceEMFRadiation
>>>> On 19-Sep-2016, at 10:57, shekhar salkar <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> dear munshi ji,
>>>> The premature results that are released from the NTP study are totally
>>>> inconclusive and bizarre. A small number of male rats developed slightly
>>>> more tumors, but the female rats did not. And the rats that developed
>>>> tumors lived longer than the rats that did not. So go figure!
>>>> You may know this already, but please note that lab rats spontaneously
>>>> develop all kinds of tumors. So just seeing some tumors in old rats is not
>>>> unusual. Therefore, that small difference in incidence in the NTP study is
>>>> more likely to be a statistical aberration rather than a real result,
>>>> particularly because no such difference was found in female rats. But if u
>>>>  still wants to believe those results, like the male rats, u  being a male,
>>>> u will also live longer than the rest of us if u  lives as close as
>>>> possible to a mobile phone tower.
>>>> also if u have done any research pl let me know !!
>>>>  i have even consulted dr badwe most renowned oncosurgeon and director
>>>> tata memorial centre in mumbai ! asia's top hospital dealing with only
>>>> cancer also share my views so also dr santosh helekar who has done research
>>>> in cornell university houston usa!!
>>>> by the way its very surprising that people should be more worried of
>>>> smoking,alcohol,processed meat, which are classified asgroup 1 carcinogens
>>>> and pickels, sleepless nights,wood carvings are grouped under 2b with
>>>> mobile radiation !!!
>>>> may better sense will previal!!
>>>> Dr Shekhar Salkar
>>>> MS,FICS(Onco )
>>>> Chief of Clinical Services,
>>>> Chief of Depatment of Oncology
>>>> Manipal hospital Goa
>>>> Chairman ,
>>>> Goa Medical Council
>>>> President ,
>>>> Goa Cricket Association
>>>> President,
>>>> GOKARMA Oncology Association
>>>> President,
>>>> GOKARMA oncology medical trust
>>>> General Secretary,
>>>> National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication (India)
>>>> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Prakash Munshi <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Dr Salkar
>>>>> Have you done any research in laboratories with Antennae shooting out
>>>>> power at 20 watts / 40 watts each and rats at 5 meters distance ? Did they
>>>>> survive ? How will you know if you have not done any experiments? Please
>>>>> Don't make the unaware ignorant helpless lab rats !
>>>>> Do you know what the NTP study of USA 2016 says ? Do you know of
>>>>> people who have died and suffered of Cancer with antennae at hand shake
>>>>> distances ?
>>>>> Do you know what our Honourable Prime Minister says of Mobile Towers
>>>>> on radiation . He has written under his signature that Radiation from
>>>>> Mobile Towers has proved killers to the creatures and bees
>>>>> Do you know how many ladies have suffered due putting their mobile
>>>>> phones under their bras or in blouses in USA & Andhra Pradesh
>>>>> Do you know Rajan Mathews stays 500 meters away from nearest Mobile
>>>>> Tower and Padma Shri Harsh Mahajan a prominent Radiologist in New Delhi
>>>>> prefers not to stay in front of Mobile Towers . Why ?
>>>>> How many Mobile Tower antennae are outside your house and at what
>>>>> distance ? Please tell me honestly .
>>>>> Please don't become a spokesperson and give Myths what the Industry
>>>>> wants you to say like HMV ( His Master's Voice )
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Prakash Munshi
>>>>> Raj Niketan
>>>>> Opp. Sahyadri State Guest House
>>>>> B G Kher Marg
>>>>> Mumbai 400006
>>>>> Tel 022 23685256 , 23672115
>>>>> Cell 9820400053
>>>>> Email
>>>>> Web.
>>>>> FB.
>>>>> FB.
>>>>> YouTube ReduceEMFRadiation

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