For all of Modi's and Parrikar's bluster, it appears India is not in a state of 
military preparedness to take on Pakistan.

Of course the Army Chief and a few other military bigwigs have said they are 
fully prepared, but then do you really expect them to make public the truth? 
They will be bundled out in no time flat. 

This reluctance does not arise from Pakistan's expected resistance alone, 
nuclear or not. India fears China who has made noises about helping Pakistan 
against any aggressor.

Long story short, Modi has stopped talking of military action and is talking of 
diplomatically isolating Pakistan. 

For all his visits to the USA, he has made the biggest mistake of abandoning 
his alliance with Russia for a sham friendship with the USA which when push has 
come to shove, in a crisis, has never stood by India.

Logical conclusion: Pakistan will be emboldened to make more incursions and 
India will keep on making mere threats of retaliation.

Roland Francis

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