It   took   P.M. Modi   to   dare Pakistan and openly to accept the
challenge, that we will not bow down to terrorists and is not posturing or
chest thumping as some want us to believe.  But cowardice Pakistan is
hiding behind apron strings of non state actors, home grown groups,
fidayens that are harboured, supported, abetted by logistics, training ,
arms, and communication equipment In spite of providing proof
incontrovetible evidence Pakistan is always in denial mode.. He has
described Pakistan as exporter of  global terrorism , heaven for terrorist,
enemy of humanity, spilling blood in Asia, Though he spoke after a week at
BJP conclave at KERELA and not from Delhi.., he has consulted all concerned
during the week in the interim and carefully weighed after articulating all
available options for a strategic and tactical  response. It is not a knee
jerk reaction  to mollify the war mongering populace  after Patankot,
Bombay carnage, Parliament attack, now URI. The people are rightly itching
for  visible retaliatory action after dastardly intermittent terror acts
 and brutalities on its citizens, The maximum that we will choose the place
and time of our action, perpetrators will not go unpunished , scarifices of
18 martyrs will not go in vain or forgotten is  like  playing a broken
record .War is not an option, nor surgical strikes, hot pursuits,  or
limited engagement .There are risks and fear of escalations. Wars of the
day are  fought on economic front,  hurting market wealth, driving
 investments sentiments nervous  , fall of FIIS, withdrawal of most
favoured Nation status,  review of  lopsided water treaty, isolation in the
community of Nation by diplomatic and political pressure,  psychological
warfare, designating  Pakistan as terror state, international encirclement,
by  taking  advantage of widely developed relations by P.M travels and
personal contacts. Military engagement will  be playing into military plan
of Pakistan army to divert attention  of misgovernace internal disent and
more funding to terrorists and exciting fidayen  groups. We must admit of
gross intelligence failures to stop daring raids deep inside our own
country.. Besides a belligerent China cannot be discounted to make
disturbing  overtures in support of an ally extending moral dependence. and
to protect interests of  its economic corridor in POK .The world always
sympathizes and openly condemns terrorism but does not go beyond. Even USA
with moion of declaring Pakistan a terror state has been long time ally of
Pakistan which has leverage over USA for its war in Afghanistan and secret
alliance with Taliban

Modi has also simultaneously reached out during swearing in ceremony,
unscheduled special birthday visit and now uttering fight against poverty,
illiteracy, development is not sign of weakness or lowering bar. Domestic
compulsions and elections in U.P has to be factored in Pakistan has been
shown as being unable to govern Balochistan, Gilgit and POK. and how it
 lost East Bengal. De scalation is sensible path but dealt with firmness
needed, A nervous, jitteryPakistan has already is openly preparing for war
by the measures announced The Uri attack may have been uinstigated to
attract world attention on  Kaskmir, present unrest and deep hurts of
dimembering of East pakistan

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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