Trump had called it disgusting, now it is his 'genius' and 'brilliance.'

> I am a NUMBERs guy. Math is the only language I understand very well.
> We all pay in something called taxes - whether it be Federal, State, City
> or whatever else. In return, we get something called government services
> and benefits.
> This system can only work when everybody contributes to it. If EVERYBODY
> decides to NOT pay their taxes, how will they be able to pay out benefits?
> In the langauge of math - this is like less money coming in and more money
> leaving out the door. By definition, this type of model cannot sustain
> itself - It's that simple.
> This is just another reason - I am supporting Trump.

> What I meant to ask was:
In the same vein, why should the British people absorb the cost of funding
accommodation, education, healthcare, child support etc to non-tax paying
EU residents in the UK?



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