

At the most five months are remaining for the Assembly polls 2017, probably
a divisive scenario with at least ten parties and independents in the fray
which is thus far unprecedented since Liberation in 1961, which have made
Goans perplexed and bemused and who are not in a position to make up their
minds as to whom they should vote for. Is it a case of anything goes or for
the contending candidates a matter of any which way but win? Do we want
short term monetary enticements, TVs, domestic appliances, social security
doles, bicycles, development in our local areas, motorable roads devoid of
potholes, civic amenities and spick and span cities and villages, cessation
of mega structures, a job, preservation of the environment in our locality,
24x7 water supply, uninterrupted power supply, hastily installed
inauguration plaques for development projects that are being thrust on us
at the last moment in the guise of unaccomplished development so far, money
for petrol for our motorcycles, a free meal until the elections, money for
booze, or sustained effort to fulfill the manifesto? The litany of
inducements is endless and still those who get any, some or all of them
will pledge their votes as per their having benefited from their
government, ministers, MLAs. It is well known that some people are die-hard
supporters of the various parties, ministers, local MLAs and are therefore
accruing benefits on a regular basis. Are there anyone who has in mind a
principled stance and who will be unmoved despite dangling of all these
enticements? Do not Goans want a change in guard, a new dispensation with
brand new candidates who have as yet not been tarnished by the smear of
corruption at the Assembly level? Are we going to have a free-for-all, rag
tag bobtail affair, on the basis of short-term gains or do we want to
ponder, reflect, introspect deeply and then separate the really deserving
from those who have only taken us for a ride, ignoring our wishes?  Each
and every one of us will have chosen our priorities and later we will not
be able to complain, have no alibis and no excuses for who will be elected
and in charge of the administration of Goa. Let wisdom prevail among us to
do the right thing so that we will have no reason to regret our decision
and then speak against the very candidates who we will elect, our own
doing. Has the present dispensation provided for us even half of what they
promised in the 2012 manifesto?  Do we not realise that fresh faces is the
need of the hour and that those who have had their chance and not proved
themselves need to be shown the door? Has the present dispensation acted in
a very arrogant manner and have only indulged in pep-talk and portrayed
themselves as sheep in wolves' clothing? Do you really believe that the
number of U-turns that the present government have done are actually sins
that cannot be forgiven? It is time that the enfranchised electorate decide
after careful study and analysis as to whether the present dispensation
should be given another chance? Do not be swayed by the deception and
arm-twisting methods that they are adopting in order to bully us into
thinking that they are deserving of being re-installed. There are five
months to seek for lucid intervals in our minds and then with much
introspection come to a conclusion as to whom to vote for. It is a fact
that in the social media, allegations and counter allegations are being
levelled against even new candidates. Involve in brain-storming sessions so
as to be able to make up your minds as to who is the right candidate in our
respective 40 constituencies and then pledge our vote so as to not regret
in the future. Our right to vote is a moral duty and we will only get the
candidate for whom we vote for. So the choice is ours. Make no mistake!

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