Born on  21-11- 1914 at Sarzora, Chinchinim to late Mr.Minguel Antonio
Furtado and late Mrs. Maria Conceicao Dias .He was  ordained priest on
16-4-1944 at Holy Spirit Church, Margao and passed away ( on 1-11-1980 at (
Reis Falcao Hospital, Margao) and intered on 3-11-1980 at Sarzora Cemetry,
Such was his popularity,  that the largely attended funeral procession took
one and half hour to the Church ,hardly 300 metres away from his residence
.His brother priest late Rev.,Minguel Antonio Baranabe Furtado, born on
20-5-1908, ordained on 9-10-1935, passed away on 16-12- 1985, remained his
inspiration and spiritual guide. Other brothers  are,Mr Pedro Rosario,,
Peregrino Jose Joaquim,, Sisters, Mrs Rosa Francisca &....  He received
confirmation at Rachol Seminary  on 11-3-1932.

The Villagers of Chinchinim are proud and privileged to behold this PEARL
amongChinchinim Villagers .He holds the enviable , unbroken record for
being the only teacher from A.V,C.& Chinchinim to be honoured and conferred
the prestigious  State and National Award for teacher(2-5-1979) , by Govt.
of India, Ministry of Education and Social welfare “in public recognition
of his valuable service to the community, as the teacher of outstanding
merit”, Teacher in 1944, at Ornelas High School Poona.. Fr Presentacao  served
as the Vice Principal Colegio Liceu de Sao Jose, Arpora ( 4-1-1954,) and
then Headmaster  at St, Joseph   H. School . Arpora,
of Lar dos  Estudantes & Catholic Institute of Education, Margao, presently
named as Holy Spirit Institute .Appointed  its Manger and Headmaster
(1974-1979) .Member of D.B,Education (1962-1979) and Inspector of Schools
of D,S.E  in South, Goa.  Member of Commission to study problems of
Primary,/ Secondary Education, DSE and Parishes (31-3-1967)  Member of
Council of Priests .. Chaplain, Holy Rosary ,Morod, Saligao 5 years &St.
Alex Convent Calangute,(24-2-1958.)  P.P of St Xavier`s Church, Velim in
1980 and served as the Manager of the School too.  Immediately succeeded
 in providing  a play garden  and conducive atmosphere to KG classes making
learning fun , practical and  happy experience

The progress and development of H.S,I. Margao is attributed to his  dynamic
vision. He was an able administrator, efficient and systematic planner.
Even though it was centrally located in the heart of city, the elite,
educated, and the, rich parishioners preferred well established schools in
the vicinity, He was not discouraged, as he saw his mission in catering to
drop outs,neglected,  marginalized, migrants, socially and economically
disadvantaged and those refused admissions. .The students were mostly first
learners and  their parents with least formal education. He therefore
inspired the staff and motivated them to discharge their duties with
compassion, devotion, dedication and love.  In his conscious and determined
efforts he propelled them vertically and horizontally to find a meaningful
place with future prospects in the society.Academic excellence was
therefore not his prioirty. Filling a void in admissions and plight of
parents to primary and pre primary schools, he ventured to open such a
facility, which was  later discontinued. As the Director,  Lar dos
Estudantes., provided shelter to poor to study, waived off fees, even
permitting them to pay their dues  after employment, His benevolence,
charitable, kind hearted approach has left indelible, happy memories on his
student . Besides many others beneficiaries received help  without
maintaining any records of financial transactions. His responsiveness
towards financial , educational and emotional needs of downtrodden was his
hallmark .Fr Presentacao started a vocational typing institute with a grant
for 10 typewriters and later amalgamated it with  the school, offering
typing as the subject. Fr Presentacao was a multifaceted diamond, football
and sports enthusiast , a cultural ambassador, dynamic and visionary ,
Educationits, spiritual guide,,Confessor, a dedicated  priest , sociable,
compassionate , charitable and passionate social worker. A little known
fact,  is  that  he had scripted and directed Konkani Plays.

Fr. was a leader among his priestly fraternity, who looked up to him with
respect and were attracted to his jovial, approachable nature, treating
them as equals. The Ecclesiastical Superiors too held him in high esteem.
amnd encouraged him to bloom and blossom

He has served the faithfully the   parishioners and was the most loved,
revered and respected , Chaplain and Pastor. Memorable salutations  at the
start of sermons“ BAI-ANDO, BA-BANDO”. He was a very successful, popular,
preacher of the word of God  and heard with rapt attention,  bringing about
a change in their belief, strengthening their faith and trust in God. He
was indeed a very forceful and convincing preacher, who touched the hearts
and minds of his listeners.  Fr. remained a devout priest, dedicated
devoted , permanently, married to Christ and his ministry.  Appointed in
 1960 ,as Supplementary Confessor, Mother House and Novitiate Sisters of
Alex Calangute. Extra Ordinary Confessor  atHoly Cross Convent, Bastora and
in 1962,Convent of St Pius X, Orlim, in1968 and at  Convent of St. Theresa,
 Vasco. His appointments were   in recognition of his  deep faith and
spiritual   orientation

Fr, Presentacao   along with his colleagues  was  instrumental in
establishing a foothold by  Franciscan Sisters of  St Mary of Angels H
School ,Chinchinim starting an exclusive  reputed girls High School by
initially providing property,  financial ,administrative , legal assitance,
 encouragement and  arranging temporary residence, He    worked tirelessly
in the construction  of the   Priest  House at Chinchinim, and  in
reciprocation signed a written, legal agreement with FSMA in the
 maintenace and  functioning of the priest house.   Fr Presentacao  hosted
luncheon meet of priest that  resolved the formation of the Association of
Chinchinim Priest and the Priest house. He was actively involveled in
promoting  Sarzora Church, Cemetry, and Assumpta  Convent High  School. He
pleaded with the Bishop to recommend  to Holy see for financial assistance
to the  Piest House, and  received substantial grants, As the Executive
 Committee Member  personaly contributed Rs 3635= and  futher raised Rs
8795.07 in donations from friends towards construction . Offered 5 years
subscrption of EXAMINER to YCSU

I value his precious advice , interests, persuasion in my reluctance and in
guiding me to accept my first appointment as the Headmaster, .  I remain
indebted to him for helping me to decide.

 P.C.Trust have instituted  two awards, one by his Family and the other by
Villagers of  Sarzora/Chinchinim and friends , for Headmasters of
Chinchinim Schools, as  a  tribute to perpetuate .Villagers of   Sarzora
have in a signed petition ,requested the Sarzora /Chinchinim-Deussua
Panchayats to name a  SarzoraVillage road in  his honour - being a
 prominent and worthy son of the Village. He has left a legacy for
posterity to recall, and to imitate as a role model
Rev Fr, Presentacao will always be treasured in the hearts and minds of
people in gratitude, serving as an permanent monument
Nelson Lopes

 Founder Chairman


Nelson Lopes <nello

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