>From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute .....

On the occasion of All Saints Day, we are pleased to launch our new website, 
see http://josephnaikvaz.org/  The website will be edited and updated on an 
ongoing basis.

On this All Saints Day, we ask you to join the "Community of St. Joseph Vaz" to 
pray and reflect on the inclusion of more Indian and Sri Lankan Saints in the 
Catholic Calendar of Saints. We especially invite you to pray for the 
Beatification and Canonization of Venerable Fr. Agnelo de Souza (1869-1927) and 
Fr. Jacome Goncalves (1676-1742), Oratorian Companion of St. Joseph Vaz  in Sri 
We hope also that you will join us for our annual Feast Mass celebration for 
St. Joseph Vaz. The feast is on January 16, 2017 but the date, place, and time 
of the Mass celebration will be announced.

Thank you.
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute 
Berkeley, Californiahttp://josephnaikvaz.org/ 



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