Intolerance on religious differences, food, dress and vehement intolerance
towards anyone who dares to go against the mood and direction of the ruling
party.  It is a case of pending elections in various states, Govt failures,
intentions to divert attention and jittery reactions  about uncertain
prospects that has resulted in sudden demonetization Imagine the torture of
waiting in Q`s for 3 to 4 hours and then when you just reach the counter.
it is time to close, the cash is run out, the counting machine has broken
down the connectivity is on hold, There is no arrangement in place to cater
to the crowds, just one person to attend to withdrawals, deposits  etc
There is just one counter,  The minimum amount dispensed is in Rs2000=
denominations,  meant for  display as none get to use it for lack of change
and is non functional, why that denomination is issued preferably, is it
because of convenience or is meant for hoarding once again  The cash runs
out immediately the ATM`s are non functional and the limit is irritating at
the moment and does not meet the needs The  banks are selectively
demanding  Adhar card when clearly any one of the identity card will do to
dole out cash of Rs 4000=. Even depositing into ones own account harassment
is meted out to submit  signed ID card There is no arrangement for senior
citizens forced to sweat out standing  for 3 to 4 hrs. Why sensible
arrangement is not in place to meet such large  eager crowds banks are
behaving in arrogant ways, insulting and treating customers like thieves,
The measure hailed as monumental is put in place without minimum
considerations to meet the requirement, The FM and P.M are gloating about
the future ache din but putting customers to untold sufferings standing in
 the sun The Rs2000= note forced on people take it or leave it is a  most
senseless exercise  for useful purpose and being refused for want of change
It is not a temporary  trouble

The black money is stacked into foreign banks, as bullion, jewels, real
states, shares etc common people do not stock sacks of currency, other than
politicians for use in elections The BJP fearing its prospects thinks it
will hit hard the opponents, It is rumored all BJP ruled states  and those
who mean had been secretly warned about intended demonetization and hence
only Mayawati, Kejrival,  Mamata Benarjee are not crying hoarse without
reasons One wonders whether this measure will hit terrorists and arms
dealers,  corruption in real estate, registration of properties,  admission
to professional colleges, bribes to doctors performing specialized
operations, awarding of Govt contracts and host of public services   which
command a premium

Everyone excepts the BjP is gloating over the  expected outcomes as if it
is the first time that such a measure is undertaken putting to common
citizens to enormous hardships as if they are the real  culprits The anger
is bound to spill over when times comes, Bjp has lost Delhi badly, Bihar
and UP is waiting to happen The honey moon period is over

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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