The nincompoops know nothing beyond putting their "Chhaapa" on the ballots. 
Meanwhile, the educated class work differently - they reason and cast their 
votes accordingly! Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. If they lose, 
they concede graciously and remain low - instead of displaying ballsy attitude 
and harping here on GoaNet, as if they are the proud winners. 

The winners, BTW remained low for several days after the elections, while the 
windbags were scratching loud on GoaNet for answers. The losers should look up 
at DNC for answers ... Not GoaNet.

My recommendation to these folks is to stop being delusional and accept the 
reality that you have four years of misery lying ahead of you - at the least! 
If Trump does an excellent job - the four years could easily double to eight. 
Not at all ... a pleasant prospect to look forward to ... right?    :)  .

There is a reason why the refuse at the local butcher shop in Goa has seen 
dramatic increase in demand! You see ... The mutts have very limited skills to 
shine and so, they tend to take care of their kind. If you are keen, pay a 
visit to their homes in Goa and you'll know what I mean. 

They are also SUSPECTED to display holier-than-thou attitude. Calling someone's 
wife a 'Call Girl' isn't exactly a sign of good pedigree ... The double 
entendre on the word pedigree is ... is ... you guessed right ... very 
intentional. Is the 'Call Girl' comment not demeaning and insulting? But then 
.... What can you expect from MUTTs?  (Hint: Not my word - look below for 
answers and while you are at it, don't miss out on the below link).

The pain is still very evident and therefore a good reason to call for 
prescription painkillers. I don't know what people do to kill pain, but 
whatever folks do, make sure you don't go into respiratory depression.

This is going to be my last response on this matter as I don't enjoy beating 
dead horses ... err ... mutts.

Cheers to Trump,

Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, New York.
(Proud Bernie Supporter who voted for Trump).

On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 19:57:46 +0000 (UTC), eric pinto <> 

>       When encountered, it usually is social, and pardonable: heck, the mutt 
> does not know     better. He has mastered the twists of survival, the idiom 
> of deceit,  insult as a shield.      Learning, schooling can be a catalyst to 
> acquired behaviour modification, but not    always. Take the case of the 
> fellow who was expelled from the site by Bosco a few     years ago. A need 
> for rancour and ceaseless banter found the moderator confronting    thirty 
> messages on a certain day, and a line was crossed.      Pathology often lurks 
> on the borderline and can be suspected. My double entendre   is intentional. 
> It possibly explains the blind allegiance to the Koch cult's message in    
> defiance of reality and plain decency. The group has now been spared from his 
> pillory,    whilst I continue to spar with him.

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