Back in 1980, a mob of former freedom fighters attacked the statue of
Luis de Camoes in Old Goa. They believed the endlessly celebrated
Portuguese poet insulted Indians in his famous Lusiads. In fact, the
16th century writer had not used the slurs he was accused of. Still,
says Landeg White  - brilliant poet, and author of stunning 21st
century translations of Camoes into English - the statue was indeed
offensive. It misrepresented its subject, just as the mass of
Portuguese academia and the establishment stubbornly ignores obvious
truths about the man raised to marbled symbol. Tongue-in-cheek, White
(here for this week’s Goa Arts and Literature Festival) says the 1980
vandals acted with sound literary instincts.

Looking back from the vantage of 2016, and with the advantage of
White’s painstaking re-assessment, two overarching ideas blink neon.
Almost everything you learned about Camoes is wrong. Also, there’s no
one quite like him in the history of world literature, no one
comparable at all until modern times. This last because he’s widely
acknowledged as the national poet of Portugal, but, as White writes,
“spent 15 years in Goa and beyond, plus a further two or three in
Africa. They were the best years of his adult life, during which he
wrote much of his greatest poetry.” It’s as if Shakespeare wrote most
of his canon while cooling heels in colonial Shimla.

If Camoes himself wanted to be extricated from the stuffy cocoon of
Portuguese hagiography, he probably would have chosen White. Like his
subject, the translator is a superb poet. He also travelled far beyond
his European birthplace (in Wales) to spend many voyaging years
abroad. Another advantage is he’s steeped in post-colonial literature.
But, the best qualification is that he’s not Portuguese, thus not
raised from infancy knowing Camoes is the statue with its nose in the
air, whose poetry is meant to be reflexively genuflected towards.

Via White’s translations, Camoes suddenly startles and delights. Now
you finally get what the fuss is all about. It is no surprise his
measured, truly splendid ‘The Lusiads’ won the Times Literary
Supplement translation prize, and is now the Oxford World’s Classics
edition. The Portuguese Studies Review voiced a consensus when it
said, “This is the best translation of The Lusiads in English and, as
it succeeds in bringing it alive as a poem to be read in our time, it
is a major literary event.”

No less important than the translations is the frankly astounding
analysis White has made of Camoes. He writes, “It was the experience
of being in India that changed him from being a conventional court
poet to one of the most original poets of the period. This is not
something the Portuguese will have ever told you. He is revered in
Portugal as the national poet. But it’s not good for a poet to be
worshipped. It gets in the way of seeing him clearly and taking the
real measure of his greatness.” The logical step further, “Is Camoes a
poet for contemporary India? It’s up to you whether or not you want to
claim him, but if India can take on Kipling, at least selectively,
then Camoes should pose no problems.”

This is a crucial point. For less than a century  - certainly no
longer  - confused (and always contested) notions about authenticity
and nationalism have significantly warped Indian scholarship,
particularly in the humanities, and worst of all in literature. Just
when things were getting better, another heaving rank of poorly
educated, heavily blinkered ideologues is consolidating power in the
ministries, institutions and universities. The fallout is entirely
disastrous. The best places to study Indian history are Chicago and
Oxford, and then 20 other foreign colleges. You would make a big
mistake pursuing a doctorate in Indian literature in any state

Clearly, White poses a challenge to Portuguese academics. His work
shows they don’t get Camões. Their basic assumptions are flawed. But
here’s the twist. White’s work also poses a stumper for Indian
academics, scholars and literateurs. Are they capable of comprehending
Camoes and his significance? Can we at least get it right in Goa?

Every year, on June 25, a horde of locals troupes through Motihari in
Bihar, heading to lay garlands on a lovingly tended bust of Eric
Blair, (aka George Orwell) who was born there in 1903. Unlike Camoes,
Orwell never wrote a word in India. His work shows only the barest
influence (via Burma) of the subcontinent.

Now come back home to Camoes, who was, White says, “made in Goa.” Is
it time to raise our own statue?

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