There was big announcement about master stroke on demonetization and grand
posturing about how it would drive out black money, starve terrorists and
hawla transactions, The doling  and rationing of exchange of Rs 2000= then
Rs4000= Withdrawal are limited by the banks to Rs 10,000= instead of Rs
24000. Banks are unauthorized, setting their own rules, instead of obeying
the guidelines

When Banks are rationing the amounts of withdrawals at Banks, ATM`s the
hordes of new currency notes have been unearthed at different places. Not
single announcements, disclosures of tracking the source of new currency in
serial order. Either the banks or mints are the only source. When ordinary
citizens stand in Q`s for hours together and often return disappointed. It
is rumored that these seizures are joke to make people happy and rejoice
about the unearthing and glorify the failing scheme.

People are now asked to use cards and other modes of electronic payments,
thus changing the focus Now new talk of the advantages of plastic money,
Why State Bank has withdrawn thousands of ATM cards, There have been scams
recently of customers being defrauded of large sums from their accounts,
Banks have disowned responsibility to reimburse the same till date, In Goa
Skimmers have been detected fortunately before any damage could be done

One person was charged Rs 11 on purchase of Rs 100= fuel, indicating it as
tips another  charged Rs 36= as commissions on a transaction of a little
over Rs 1000= on fuel, The banks opine that charges are not by them, In
another popular departmental stores two customers have lost Rs15000 & Rs
1600 on purchases of Rs 5000= and Rs 800 The banks in writing state that
the transaction is complete, but the store denies any credit., Constant
check up , visits with the store, Banks have not resulted in reversal of
the wrong entries even after  a week. More shocks are in the waiting for
unwary customers switching over to electronic modes with enticing
incentives of cash back and discounts.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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