By Santana Fell
Posted December 11, 2016

Its the best time of the year, the drop in temperature, the
boots and fancy coats, stockings, decorated streets,
carnivals, picnics, holidays, Christmas, Santa Claus. Oh!
Talking about Christmas, how can we forget the most relished
and anticipated Christmas cake? The air is filled with the
scent of them baking, the butter, the dry fruits, vanilla
essence, yummm! you start craving for it then and there.

Muslim bakers, Jewish bakery, Hindu owned confectionaries,
home-made bakers, all selling Christmas cake at this time of
the year. And you still wonder why ours is called the city of joy?

          Kolkata never fails to surprise us. In a city like
          ours, where we celebrate most festivals with equal
          enthusiasm, Christmas or 'Boro Din' (as it is
          fondly called) was never a festival celebrated only
          by the Christian community and the Christmas cake
          that was introduced by the Raj is relished and
          cherished by all even today. Here, during December,
          the local bakers, who sell bread and biscuits all
          year round, start baking cakes for people who bring
          their own ingredients and hire their oven for some time.

>From start-ups to high-end bakeries, many a fancy ones have
opened and shut but the name of Saldanha Bakery stands tall
and famous among their contemporaries for ages now. The
Saldanhas are a small Goan family who are legends in
themselves. They have been excelling in this field for about
a hundred years now with items to die for, like -- the
wedding cake slices, almond cake, chocolate walnut cake,
lemon drops, chicken envelpe, Christmas cake that sell like
hot cake throughout the year, quite literally.

Saldanha specializes in providing snacks and savouries for
various occasions like the 5 tier, 3 tier wedding dummy cake
with a satin finish which very few bakeries do and if done,
they charge a bomb. Their almond ice slices have almond icing
on three sides which provides a heavenly taste in every bite.


This bakery started off as 'I. Saldanha Bakery', named after
Ignatius Saldanha and his wife Ubeline Saldanha, who was a
very enterprising woman. In fact, she was the one who started
the business. Cooking and baking was her passion so she
turned her passion into her profession and saw it excel.

She would send out the relishing bakery goodies like patties,
cakes, different types of pastries (very different from what
you have now) in black boxes that had Saldanha written on
them. About 20-30 of their workers would take these boxes
around and sell it in almost the whole of Calcutta, they
would even cater to schools, thereby giving the city a taste
so divine, that they would be craving for a long time.

Presently, the business is in the name of Mrs. Mona Saldanha,
the proprietress, whereas the think tank behind this bakery
is Mr. Denzil Saldanha, who is fondly called 'uncle' by all
the customers. Most of his contemporaries still remember the
'black box men' and the mouth-watering delicacies that they
would deliver. Denzil, though in his 80s, is still an active
participant in the business. He is a total extrovert and
everyone who goes to Saldanha, looks for him.

See photos online at:


Currently, their daughter, Debra Saldanha is carrying on the
legacy. She now runs this place and has kept up to the high
standards maintained by her grandparents and parents. Though
Debra jokingly calls herself and the rest 'sidekicks' of the
business, yet it was remarkable on her part to quit a well
paid, secured, bank job that she was into for 16 years to
take over the family run bakery since the last 4 years.

Recalling those days of switching her profession, she says,
"it was literally baptism by fire because it was a totally
new line for me." Initially her father resisted her decision
of joining.

"I slogged and did everything by hand and learnt everything
on my own so that the workers don't take me for a ride. They
know that I can handle it and if they act tough, I can go
down to the bakery, roll up my sleeves and prepare anything.
I am not afraid," said a confident Debra.

Talking about herself settling into the business, she says
that It has been a pretty good time for her because when she
joined, she had a lot of friends who wanted many new things
introduced which was available at high end bakeries but at a
high cost. Her friends encouraged her to try these things so
she would keep experimenting to come up with her own recipes
to introduce certain new items. She would send it out to
friends to taste, get feedback and then launch it.


          Debra proudly says that a lot of bakery items that
          her grandmother had introduced then, is coming back
          now. For instance, cream rolls weren't there in the
          middle, it kind of died off but they are all being
          reintroduced now, people are wanting to eat all
          these here as well because people are often
          travelling abroad and getting a taste of macroons,
          jam tarts, roulade, etc, so when they come back,
          they want the same taste here.

With shows like Masterchef and fancy bakeries springing up,
there is an increase in demand for all these bakery items
again. "These things have revived, people are more aware of
these items. The older generation knew about these items and
then somehow it died off and now again there is a demand for
it. They are aware of what the Western world offers like a
lot of French patisserie items, shoe pastries something that
they did not know about earlier."

Debra believes that when you make anything, the motive is for
customers to relish the taste and come back again and again,
the cost cannot be unreasonably high. Therefore, when her
daughter Alisha Alexander, who has done her patisserie
training at Le Cordon Bleu, became a patisserie chef and
returned to join hands in the family business, they
diversified their items quite a bit. But they are still
looking at keeping the affordable items and also introducing
a niche segment which will have products that are high end
yet affordable which you would get in a star hotel and are
very fancy looking but you know that you could get it right
here in Saldanha Bakery.

Cup cakes, French macroons, designer cakes, fresh fruit
cakes, black forest, be it whatever order, Alisha does the
decorations herself to give the cake a finesse that only a
trained professional can deliver. They have increased the
variety manifold and the pressure is immense but Alisha seems
determined to take the business notches higher with the
introduction of niche items at affordable prices.

Christmas cake being a hit in this bakery, makes the months
of November-December very busy for them.  From November the
Christmas cake orders start coming in. Demand for it
increases a lot. They bake to order and therefore all their
items are fresh and sell out faster than a blink. "What
people do not realize is that this cake is available on order
throughout the year and it is known as rich fruit cake,"
said Denzil.


If we were to describe the amount of sale they have only for
Christmas cake during November-December, then we only have
one word to describe that: 'enormous'. At any given point of
time you would find a huge queue outside Saldanha bakery, but
you would not find people grumbling and complaining, infact
they would be wishing each other, chatting with each other
and talking about shopping etc. Its the bon homie, the
Christmas spirit that keeps them going.

"We do get to hear that the queue reaches quite far,"
confessed a smiling Debra

Their USP is their informal nature of business where they
know most of their customers by name. They provide a homely
atmosphere, where all the clients call up and want to speak
to 'uncle' mostly. Their items are reasonably priced, value
for money, fresh, to order. "We make everything fresh so
people can even order their wedding cake 3-4 days in advance,
no issue with that, but we get orders for wedding cakes even
a year in advance by people coming from abroad," said Debra.

Interestingly, they owe their success to word of mouth that
has helped them reach this far. They let their baking do the

Something to look forward to: Let's hope for a Saldanha
Confectionary cafe sometime soon. Maybe?

          For someone with a sweet-tooth, this place is
          heaven and for those of you who don't know yet, you
          could reach Saldanha by taking the lane adjacent to
          B.C.Sen Jewelley shop on Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road,
          walk along the path for two minutes or so till you
          reach a yellow wall that has Saldanha written on
          it. Walk in and go up the stairs of gastronomical
          paradise and rest assured your taste buds would be
          more than satisfied. If nothing else, let the aroma
          wafting in the air, guide you there.

Pictures: Rumaan Rashid

Don't we all just love a freshly baked cake during Christmas?
Well here’s a way to share the joy with a not so fortunate
family. Click to find out!

Tags: Christmas Cake, Christmas Cake In Kolkata, Old Bakery
In Kolkata, Oldest Bakery, Saldanha, Saldanha Bakery

Santana Fell: Always sharing a warm smile, loves to talk,
travel, ride her scooty, teach, eat and over think ... can
drive anyone crazy and not even be aware of it. Writing is a
skill she embarked on and has now made it a passion that she
can't let go

[Thanks to Devika and John Thomas for passing on this link.]

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