Acting on the complaint filed over the massive illegal land filling of a
saltpan at Chopdem in Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar’s constituency,
 the Chief Town Planner Dr. S.T. Puttaraju sought an immediate  report from
the Pernem Deputy Town Pernem Sanjay Halornekar  who after inspecting the
site has directed the Deputy Collector to stop the land filling and also
registered an F.I.R at the Pernem Police Station as illegal land filling is
a cognizable offence under Section 17-A of the Town & Country Planning Act.

The Under Secretary Home Neetal Amonkar has also directed the Deputy
Collector of Pernem to take necessary action in the matter and report

In the complaint attention had  been of the various authorities that the
illegal land filling of the saltpan in Survey No 25 Sub Division 18 of
Village Chopdem was being done  by the Delhi based Aswem Beach Resort and
Villas Private Limited.

The Delhi based company represented by its Director Sushma Shani had by a
Sale deed dated 20th of September 2011 bought the saltpan admeasuring
15,295 sq mts for Rs 50 lakhs and started the land filling last month.

Pointing out that the land filling being done was mostly on the weekends,
in the complaint it was stated that it was very appalling that the
authorities are turning a blind eye to this damage being done to the water
body and to the ecology.

Seeking that all the mud dumped be forthwith removed as the area falls in
CRZ 1 and no development of any nature is permissible on the water body,
the complaint cautioned that environmental damage was bound to occur and it
was an ecological disaster in the making.

The Delhi based Company would never have dared to act so blatantly in
breach of the Environmental law and CRZ regulations without the patronage
of local politicians.

If Laxmikant Parsekar cannot ensure the Rule of law in his very own
constituency he has no moral authority to continue as Chief Minister of the

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

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