On 17 December 2016 at 01:55, Roland <roland.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But again like his previous recordings, he makes no effort to start out
> with any structure or by enlightening listeners with a suitable
> introduction. You are pretty much left to your own devices to understand
> who's who in the presentation and their backgrounds, much less putting in
> context their roles in whatever took place. This time there was a little
> saving grace. Questioners and attendees were made to introduce themselves
> at the fag end, helping to clear the smog a little.

Sorry. But it takes quite some time to put this together itself. The day
has only 25 hours for me. If I need to fit in into many other priorities,
this is the best I can offer.  For better quality, set in place a paid news
service. We are not offering that.

Also, this might seem like an excuse for mediocrity, but I do operate on
the assumption that some recording is better than no recording. Francis or
no Francis.

Alternatively, those who carp can also lead by example. Share some
community recordings, well introduced, setting the context, and sans any
mumblers. Show us thus what is really possible. (On this score, I doff my
non-existing hat to JoeGoaUk. This is not meant to be criticism for people
like him.)

> To encapsulate, FN is so much in the thick of things that he takes for
> granted that listeners are too, so no favours are done to them via the
> normal courtesies.

It's also part of my subterranean goal to assign some homework to audiences
following the recording. To make them wonder what's going on, To push them
to work their way around a meeting they never attended. Maybe one which was
held even half a world away. Otherwise, it might just be boring and
spoon-feeding, innit (as BC might ask)?

> Aside from that rant of mine, Skip's voice was loud, clear and
> authoritative. That was a good thing since the rest of the people including
> FN mostly mumbled while spitting out their thoughts, Goan style. Informal
> though it was meant to be, arre baba, other people not present are
> interested in what you are saying.

True. Nowhere does the recording come with the added text explaining that
(i) time was short, and everyone was attempting to finish fast for a 101
reasons which might not be obvious in Toronto right now (ii) we mostly
understand each other's mumbling quite coherently, here (iii) the audio
recorder was actually sitting in Skip's pocket, and some of us had a kind
of ... handicap.

> But I doubt that Goan history in East Africa will hold any memories for
> future Goan generations. The ones who lived there had it good but they did
> nothing remarkable to be remembered.
> In their own personal family histories, I hope their stay in East Africa
> will be gratefully remembered for the fact it enabled them to immigrate to
> countries that were advanced and which they could call their own. Other
> than that, one day to Skip's own grandchildren, Pio Gama Pinto and Fritz De
> Souza will probably be meaningless and alien names.

Just a few counter-views:

(i) History does not comprise only of things "remarkable to be remembered"
(ii) At least some recognise the importance of recording the past,
sometimes even going far further back, and even when those histories were
not directly shaped by Goans. For instance, Luis Assis Correia has just
released a book on the Portuguese and the Marathas. To fear that everyone
will undergo a collective amnesia might be far-fetched (iii) Old Konkani
saying, you may or may not agree with: "People Who Say It Cannot Be Done
Should Not Interrupt Those Who Are Doing It."

Borem magun,

_/  Frederick Noronha  http://about.me/noronhafrederick http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at
  • ... Roland
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
        • ... Jose Colaco

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