Just to clarify that the organisers agreed to remove the text coverings. Will 
stay if that happens. If not we will pull out

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Address: Wendell Rodricks, Campal, Panjim, Goa. 403001. INDIA
Off: +91-832-2420604  Shop:+91-832-2238177
E-retail: wendellrodricks.com

> On 21-Dec-2016, at 3:27 PM, Goanet Reader <goanetrea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>          Fashion designer Wendell Rodricks
>          (wendellrodricks at gmail.com) announced on his Facebook
>          page that he was pulling out of Goa's
>          currently-underway Serendipity. He wrote: "So
>          someone raises a hue and cry with Serendipity Arts
>          Festival Goa 2016 team and threatened them with bad
>          behaviour. Then the text on my room walls are
>          covered. Not on. We are pulling out of the festival
>          as there is no dialogue and coercion by people who
>          feel they want to control history. Free speech
>          dead!" Below is the text.
> Curated by Wendell Rodricks
> The time is ripe for the recounting of Goan histories,
> opening a dialogue in Goan heritage and commencing a
> narrative about the rich legacy of Goa beyond the reputed
> beaches and famed natural beauty of a splendid land. A
> majority of visiting tourists that visit Goa are as astounded
> to hear stories from the hinterland as some Goans who imagine
> that Goan costume history begins and ends with the
> Portuguese.
> Padma Shree award winning Goan fashion designer Wendell
> Rodricks, author of *Moda Goa: History and Style and The
> Green Room*, is presently working on converting his heritage
> home into The Moda Goa Museum in his native village of
> Colvale. In a pioneering curatorial presentation, he brings
> to the Serendipity Arts Festival 2016 ten objects related to
> Goan costume that are not mere museum objects. Each has a
> story worth recounting. A history about Goan mythology, Gods,
> people, customs, traditions, festivals and folklore. In a
> setting inspired from graffiti painted walls of religious
> sanctums, palatial manors and humble homes, the lacy effect
> of the Goan graffiti painting set the ambience of Ten
> Histories: Goan Costume.
>          Apart from the sole prehistoric photograph in the
>          exhibition that has an engraved laterite rock to
>          support it, the objects are part of a sixteen year
>          collection that represent a minuscule part of what
>          the Moda Goa Museum in Colvale will display when it
>          opens in late 2018. This collection is an attempt
>          to reveal Goan histories pertaining to costume. But
>          it is also a door to open a dialogue with you the
>          viewer. Suggestions are welcome and encouraged in
>          our Vistors Comment book.
> The Serendipty Arts Festival 2016 and Wendell Rodricks
> welcome you to Ten Histories: Goan Costume.
> Ten Objects: Goan Costume (Text on walls)
> 1. THE MOTHER GODDESS: Not many have seen the Usgalimal
> petroglyphs (rock art) at Pansaimol in South Goa. Reputed to
> be from the Upper Palaeolithic or Mesolithic period
> 20,00-30,00 years ago, discovered in 1993 near the Khushawati
> river; among the labyrinth spirals and bulls is a figure of
> what can be termed as a Mother Goddess with a swollen vaginal
> area. The vaginal cavity was possibly used to place offerings
> of flowers or sacred powders to evoke fertility. On the Verna
> plateau, near Dabolim airport, is another colossal Mother
> Goddess that some historians claim is ancient. It was moved
> at great expense from a nearby village site. However the
> authenticity of this Mother Goddess is in doubt as some
> experts claim that the laterite is not old and was carved by
> idle stone masons from Pernem while they were working on a
> house in South Goa. Whatever the truth, the fact is the cult
> of the Mother Goddess, common to many ancient cultures
> worldwide, was prevalent in Goa. She is most often depicted
> without clothing.
> 2. SHANTADURGA: While the Goddess ShantaDurga appears in most
> parts of India as a warrior goddess riding a tiger, in Goa
> she appears in a 'shanth', peaceful avtar. She sits on a lion
> and has a wide appeal for Goans who believe that she appears
> in dreams and asks for 'mangnechem' in the form of children,
> houses and saris. A child or home is consecrated in Her name
> by couples whose wishes are delivered. When a lady dreams
> that the Goddess requests a sari, a precious sari is offered
> to the temple. These are kept within the temple and
> considered sacred. They are later sold to the faithful who
> cherish these saris touched by the Goddess. Displayed here is
> one such sari from the ShantaDurga Mandir. The story of the
> ShantaDurga idol at Fatorpa and the celebration of the
> *Sontrio* (umbrella) festival by both the twelve Kshatriya
> converted Christian family clans and Hindus at Cuncolim is
> worthy of a recounting for it's rare communal harmony between
> two religions.
>          3. BUDDHISM IN GOA: The Buddhist and Jain period in
>          Goa is not spoken about for many reasons. Some
>          blame the Muslims for destroying the Buddhists
>          sites in Goa while others claim the destruction was
>          by Brahmanical forces who were marginalised and
>          later resumed power on the death of the Emperor Ashoka.
> Whatever the reason, it is important to note that it was
> during the Buddhist period of prosperity in India that guilds
> pertaining to textiles were formed. From weaving to dyeing,
> embroidery and trade, Buddhism left a legacy for the art of
> textiles. Each guild specialised in a part of the process
> from fibre cultivation to final product. In Colvale village,
> near Mapuca city, a large statue of the Buddha was found by
> Father Henry Heras in the field at Munshir in 1930. The
> statue is today preserved at the Heras Institute, St
> Xavier's, Mumbai. The sculpture in the vitrine of a man
> adorned with jewels and carrying a fly whisk on one shoulder,
> was found in the same field and donated to the Moda Goa
> museum due to open in 2018.
> 4. THE KUNBI SARI: The Kunbi sari, once woven in Goa, is an
> important clothing icon for the state. Worn by the Kunbi
> tribe that settled on the ancient Konkan coast, the sari was
> lost to history due to caste implications and the lack of
> weaving in Goa. Dyed in red, blue or black, the sari is woven
> in checks with a double row of dobby design at the border and
> draped with a single 'dentli' knot at the shoulder. The red
> saris were used for celebrations and the blue/lilac sari was
> worn by young widows.
> In 2010, designer Wendell Rodricks revived the Kunbi sari in
> his minimalist style using natural dyes and weaving the sari
> in Goa with Poonam Pandit. After almost a century of the sari
> not woven in the state, the Kunbi sari revival was widely
> acclaimed at India Fashion Week among fashionistas and cotton
> sari lovers. Displayed is the original Kunbi sari and the
> Wendell Rodricks version of the sari. See the Kunbi culture
> with dance performances on 7-8 Jan 2017 at the Adivasi
> Sangatna Quepem festival organised by Advocate John Fernandes
> at Xeldem Panchayat ground in Quepem.
> 5. NARKASUR: While Lord Krishna appears in India as a
> playful, romantic God with gopis, in Goa he appears in His
> Kshatriya warrior avtar to slay the Demon Narkasur. Noted
> mythologist Devdutt Patanaik explains that burning an effigy
> is a post harvest ritual celebrating good over evil. The
> Narkasur effigy is burnt in the early hours before the Diwali
> dawn, when Goddess Laxmi is welcomed into homes and new
> account books opened. During the Portuguese rule in Goa
> (1510-1961) the coloniser imposed many edicts on the
> converted Goans via the Inquisition post-1560. Public
> displays of Hinduism were forbidden even though recent
> converts yearned for their old Gods. Converted Goans tried to
> keep their customs (Catholic brides wearing red/green bangles
> and returning home in a red 'sado' sari the next day). There
> are Catholic enclaves on the Konkan Coast where they burn an
> old man, often with a demon face, to herald the New Year.
> This seems to be a throwback to Narkasur to hoodwink the
> Portguese. Effigies are burnt in some Latin American places
> but not in Europe (except Guy Fawkes which is based on a
> political event). This points to the fact that the New Year
> burning did not come from the European colonisers. Did the
> Americas and Asia take this ritual from Goa like we took
> their new world fruits? In the 16th century trade by sea,
> there was endless cross pollination of ideas and customs. The
> burning of the Narkasur and in turn the Old Man may well be
> one of those traditions that went from Goa to the Americas
> and the Far East.
>          6. THE PANO BHAJU: At the turn of the 20th Century,
>          the famed Goan 'mandos' were composed. They were
>          the basis to create an adapted Renaissance Western
>          form of dance. While the men wore tuxedo coat
>          tails, the ladies wore a garment called the Pano
>          Bhaju. There were also less formal versions, some
>          even worn at home. There are endless theories about
>          the origin of the Pano Bhaju which is a sarong
>          skirt with a blouse under a below waist level
>          jacket. The embroidered motifs are taken from
>          Persian Parsi ghara using the Chinese long and
>          short stitch. Alternately for weddings, the
>          embroidery was done in gold zari thread on velvet.
>          The pattern pieces come from Central Asia. The
>          sarong from Malacca, Indonesia or Malaysia. The
>          blouse is European influenced. The chenillo shoes
>          can be Persian or Chinese. With so many influences,
>          and the fact that the very words Pano (cloth in
>          Portuguese) and Bhaju (a generic word for clothes
>          in Indonesia), the Pano Bhaju is a garment of many
>          influences. The most likely is the Peranakan
>          Chinese ladies as they came to Goa, jewellery and
>          all. The origin of this hybrid garment exclusive to
>          Goa is open to debate.
> 7. THE PATTERN PIECES: If it were not for the invasions from
> Central Asian countries (mainly around Uzbekistan) and their
> eventual domination in India, we would continue to wear
> drapes created from flat fabric like South India still does
> as they were not impacted by the invasions. Vedic Indian
> dress comprised nivi, vasa and adivasa (upper, lower, shawl
> or overdrape fabric pieces). Though the needle was known
> since Mohenjadaro and Harappa, it was used to sew leather.
> Cut pattern pieces came to India, Goa in turn, by the
> invading Muslims from Central Asia. In Goa, Deccani Muslims
> and Bijapuri Shahs left their mark on Goan clothing. Sheer
> effects, elaborate embroidery and jewellery appeared to a
> shocked local populace who marvelled at the splendid layered
> garments. Turbans for men and veils for women were a part of
> the clothing repertoire of the Deccani Muslims. Displayed is
> a gold 'zari thread' embroidered turban. Like most turbans of
> the 18 to 21st century, these turbans were not draped around
> the head but sewn from turban pattern pieces to fit the head
> of the wearer.
> 8. ZOTTIM: Goan leather sandals are made by the Chamar caste
> in the state. Chamar is a generic word for lower caste
> workers who deal with the treatment of leather and leather
> goods. Zottim are one of the sandal styles used till the 21st
> century. One can find Zottim sandals in some markets but the
> Chamars have dissolved into mainstream Goan working class.
> Their tradition of fine leather sewing continues. Displayed
> are 'Chabedeo' sandals made from the Kumbyo tree bark in
> Quepem, Zottin sandals and Goa's most creative shoe maker.
> Edwin Pinto has been involved in creative footwear since
> 1994, coaxed by designer Wendell Rodricks abandon his
> tailoring services to focus on footwear. Today at Janota in
> Porvorim, Edwin Pinto creates beautiful, hand made, superbly
> finished footwear like the fish and bird styles displayed
> here from the Wendell Rodricks Tropical Island collection,
> Lakme Grand Finale 2008. The tradition of the Chamars via
> modern revivalist like Edwin Pinto continue Goa's sartorial style.
> 9. THE ART OF NEEDLEWORK: There is a theory that people near
> the ocean are good at needle work because they make, and
> perfect, the art of crafting fishing nets. This is turn
> results in knitting, crochet and lace making. Till today it
> is not unusual to find a Goan lady indulging in needle work
> as a leisurely pursuit. The tradition of hand sewn,
> embroidered garments is many generations old in Goa. The art
> of needlework was applied to Holy pictures that were
> embroidered and framed in homes, bed linen, table cloths,
> grand crochet bed spreads, table covers, serviettes and
> handkerchiefs. Rarely seen are undergarments and lingerie.
>          When the Moda Goa museum acquired a cache of
>          garments from a kind donor that included pristine
>          lingerie, it was a revealing testimony to the
>          delicate and keen attention to detail on garments
>          that were not seen by most, except spouses and
>          family members. Displayed are fine lingerie
>          examples from the early 1900s. Most can compete or
>          possibly triumph over modern lingerie and sleepwear
>          today.
> 10. GOAN GOLD: Gold has always been worshipped as the Goddess
> Laxmi. Which is why Konkan coast women never wear gold or
> precious stones on their feet. Anklets and toe rings are made
> in silver out of respect for the Goddess. A sect of Brahmins
> called Daivaidyana are jewellers renowned for their
> integrity, trustworthiness and art in creating gold objects
> of great beauty, set with precious stones. When the
> Portuguese arrived in Goa in 1510, they realised the
> specialised artisans they had on hand.
>          Contrary to who one would expect to be the first
>          Indians to sail the seas to Europe, it was a group
>          of Daivaidyana Brahmins, headed by Raulo Xett from
>          Divar island, who were the first Indians to land in
>          Lisbon ... and later welcomed at the courts of
>          Spain and France. Displayed is a filigree gold
>          cross, 18th-19th century attributed to an Abbess of
>          the Santa Monica Convent, Old Goa. Drawings and
>          photographs attest to the grand tradition of gold.
>          The exquisite Daivaidyana golden heritage continues
>          in Goa today.
> Credits
> Concept and Curation: Wendell Rodricks
> Retreat 'N' Style India Pvt Ltd: Jerome Marrel, Mahesh
> Tuenker, Schulen Fernandes, Siddesh Chanekar, Vinayak
> Mandrekar.
> The Serendipity Trust, Scenografia Sumant, Scoop Brand
> Holdings Pvt Ltd : Co-ordination and Production. Lirio Lopez
> Electrical & Lighting Consultant. Nixon Fernandes for the
> Graffiti Stencil wall decoration.
> Moda Goa: History and Style by Wendell Rodricks, Harper
> Collins, 2012
> Historical and Location inputs for Moda Goa: History and
> Style by Prajal Shakardande.
> MOTHER GODDESS : Photograph by Mark Sequeira, Laterite stone:
> Vinayak Mandrekar with Mahesh Tuenker.
> SHANTADURGA : Shahpuri Sari, originally Belgaum. On loan:
> Shreedevi Deshpande Puri.  ShantaDurga Temple idol photograph
> by Rajan Parrikar.
> BUDDHISM IN GOA : Statue gifted to The Moda Goa Museum by
> Philip D'Silva. Photograph by Rafique Sayed at the Heras
> Institute, St Xavier's College, Mumbai.
> THE KUNBI SARI : Original Kunbi sari and fragments on loan by
> Adv. John Fernandes, Quepem. Wendell Rodricks revival Kunbi
> sari woven by Poonam Pandit. Actress Lisa Ray photograph by
> Wendell Rodricks. Kunbi women at Tambdi Surla temple festival
> photograph by Mark Sequeira.
> NARKASUR : Made by artisans Vallabh V. Chari and Mahesh
> Chari. Co-ordinated by Mahesh Tuenker.
> THE PANO BHAJU : Jacket recreated by Schulen Fernandes based
> on the original by Telma Costa Gracias. Photographs by Mark
> Sequeira.
> PATTERN PIECES : Embroidered turban donated to The Moda Goa
> Museum by Maharukh Desai. Photograph of Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur
> and Sketches by Wendell Rodricks.
> ZOTTIM : Chabodeo sandals made with Kumbyo tree bark. Sourced
> by Adv. John Fernandes, Quepem. Zottim from Mapuca Friday
> Bazar. Wendell Rodricks Tropical Island Collection, Lakme
> Fashion Week Grand Finale 2008 sandals designed by Wendell
> Rodricks, handcrafted by Edwin Pinto. Edwin Pinto photograph
> by Prasad Pankar.
> THE ART OF NEEDLEWORK : 1930's (circa) lingerie donated to
> The Moda Goa Museum by Belisa D'Sousa e Ferreira. Model
> Masumeh Makhija photographed by Anand Seth.
> GOAN GOLD : Gold cross donated to the Moda Goa Museum by
> Catherine Pardi Alliott. Cushion by Schulen Fernandes at the
> Wendell Rodricks Studio. Sketches of Goan gold jewellery by
> Wendell Rodricks. Photographs of jewellery by Mark Sequeira
> (For Goan owners, refer Moda Goa, History and Style by
> Wendell Rodricks, Harper Collins 2012).
> ###

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