Computing Manifesto promises.


While parties are busy making manifestos to woo voters, many of these
promises will be difficult to keep taking into consideration generation of
revenue to be to finance the social security schemes.We have already
experienced what has happened because the BJP promised Griha Aadhar, Ladli
Laxmi as well as abolition of VAT on petrol.
The BJP had to rob Peter to a greater extent to pay Paul so as to keep
these promises. In the end it was the people's money that was being
redistributed to pay for these freebies.
Now computer programs has made it so easy that if you feed the sources of
revenue and the outgo towards payment of these social security schemes as
well as other expenses, it is possible to generate in advance a balance
sheet that addresses all these concerns. So,   given a chance to make a
 new manifesto the particular party can in advance predict their
mathematical calculations precisely.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula

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