Once again, Stephen Luscombe of the British Empire Library has
produced a very comprehensive review of Selma Carvalho's
book on Goan pioneers of East Africa, which I am very happy
to reproduce below.

Mervyn Maciel


[image: The British Empire Library]


Baker Butcher Doctor Diplomat: Goan Pioneers of East Africa

*by Selma Carvalho*
Baker Butcher Doctor Diplomat may seem an idiosyncratic title for an
imperial related book, but in a strange way this title actually undersells
itself. As the author makes it clear in this lucidly written and
beautifully illustrated book that the Goans of East Africa were involved in
so many more trades and activities than the four highlighted in the title.
Goans would become the great facilitators for Britain's imperial ambitions
and undertook much of the all important groundwork and day to day running
of the expanding colonial economy and administration of British East
Africa. The subtitle of the book 'Goan Pioneers of East Africa' helps
provide chronological bookends for the period covered in the book from
roughly the 1860s to World War One (with a few exceptions).

Geographically, the book is divided into three distinct areas. The first
section of the book deals with Goan pioneers in Zanzibar
<http://www.britishempire.co.uk/maproom/zanzibar.htm>. Of course this
island off the East Coast of Africa was Britain's own launching pad into
East African affairs. The book then goes on to examine the role played by
Goans in helping (and eventually helping to replace) the Imperial British
East African Company's first forays on the mainland of what would become
Kenya <http://www.britishempire.co.uk/maproom/kenya.htm> and the
development of Mombasa in particular. It explains how some of the more
successful Goan entrepreneurs transferred their expertise and contacts from
Zanzibar whilst other Goans provided crucial administrative support to a
colonial engine that was sorely in need of efficient and trustworthy
workers. The last section of the book follows the expansion of the Empire
into the interior largely following the old caravan routes of old but
replacing it with the new caravans of the contemporary era, namely the
railways. This section consequently revolves around Nairobi as the railway
hub of choice by the imperialists. Once again, Goans would make themselves
indispensable in yet another new industry of empire as they became as
synonymous with the railways as they would become with administration and

They say a picture is worth a thousand words which in the case of this book
means that it's worth is many times more than the 95 pages that it
includes. The production values of this book are simply superb and the
quality of the reproduction of the photographs is beyond impressive. The
pictures also neatly follow the text and enhance the story rather than
acting merely as decoration. Many, if not most, of the photographs and maps
are new to me and I tend to see far more East African images than most
people do. I found myself frequently flicking through the book, long after
I'd finished reading the text, just to gaze at the wonderful images. The
quality of many of the photographs is so high, it is hard to believe that
many of them were taken over a century ago. The eyes of many of those
photographed really do stare at you through the intervening period of
history - that is of course if their poses allowed them to do so - there
are many subjects of pictures who are staring off at odd angles that were
obviously meant to convey gravitas or seriousness. The period photographs
plus impressive annotating of contemporary maps really help the book come
to life and adds real texture to the unfolding story of the Goan
experience. This book would certainly make a fine coffee table book even
without the quality of prose.

Selma Carvalho is a perceptive historian whose writing is highly
accessible. She really does cover many bases in a clear but concise manner.
She tracks the arrival of Goans in Zanzibar on board Royal Naval ships as
the Goan experience began almost hand in hand with British interest in East
African affairs. The symbiotic relationship between the increasing Royal
Naval presence in Zanzibar and Goans some of whom obviously left their
ships to set up trading concerns that in due course began supplying Royal
Naval ships in a pleasing circle of dependence. From such humble beginnings
began the slow but sure expansion of Goan influence and importance to the
Zanzibar economy at first but this would duly spill over into East Africa
and the colonial economy as the British expanded their own horizons and
imperial ambitions. It is no accident that many of Britain's more famous
explorers and missionaries were kitted out and supplied by Goan traders in
Zanzibar before embarking on their intrepid journeys into the interior. In
many ways, the Goans helped to facilitate colonialism in East Africa even
before the colonies were established. I was also delighted to read about
the Goan connection to the Sultan of Zanzibar's military band. I have
actually come across this organisation before, but did not appreciate the
full extent of the Goan influence in providing the expertise and manpower
to make it function as it did. This spillover into new professions and
opportunities is a thread that runs throughout the book - another example
is provided by the Goan doctor who effectively became an adviser to the
Sultan of Zanzibar thanks to his linguistic skills and the trust he exuded.
Goans were also able to provide something of a racial bridge between the
Europeans and the Arabs in this case. They were trusted by both sides and
provided services and skills that were highly sought after. Zanzibar
provides one more piece of early evidence of the adaptability of the Goan
community with regards to their political neutrality. When the Sultan of
Zanzibar was sidelined politically by the British, Goans invariably kept
their positions of responsibility despite the change in their masters. They
just got on with doing their jobs diligently and this reputation followed
them as they followed the imperial flag and the expanding opportunities
that it provided.

One more reason to like this book is the fact that Selma Carvalho is a
historian who does not paper over embarrassing or difficult issues. She
raises all sorts of uncomfortable questions throughout the book. She does
not see the Goan community as a homogenous mass but sees it as a vibrant
community with divergent aspirations, made up of individuals who
experienced differing levels of success and failure. She makes it clear
that there were clear hierarchies within the Goan community which often
aped British ideas on class and social stratification a little too
efficiently for their own good. There is fascinating evidence for this when
she details the contrasting fortunes of the Railway Institute, the Goan
Institute and the Goan Union. It was clear that the Goan Institute in
particular was set up to allow successful and educated Goans to network
with one another whilst excluding those from the lower strata of the Goan
community. So whilst Goans could be discriminated against by the British,
some Goans could equally find themselves discriminated against by other

It is clear that racial attitudes did harden over time between the
Europeans, Asians and Africans. However, the author also makes it clear
that a frontier culture was a very different place to a settled colony. The
early days of imperial expansion were more like the Wild West and as such
expertise and the ability to supply goods was far more important than the
colour of your skin or your religious affiliation. It was interesting to
read of the more likely inter-racial unions on this frontier and the fact
that some places, like Fort Elvira for instance, were named after Goans and
seemed perfectly natural for them to be so named even by Europeans. I am
not sure if it is amusing or sad to read of how the far harsher European
'Colonists Association' had one of its inaugural meetings in the Goan
Institute of all places where it made demands for racial segregation and
expanded opportunities for Europeans - at the expense of Asians. The
economic success of some Goans had indeed thrown up some interesting
employment relations through their hiring of Europeans to work in Goan
shops, enterprises or companies. This state of affairs undoubtedly
unsettled some of the European settlers at the time. The complexity of
racial relations is certainly hinted at throughout this book although the
author also makes it equally clear that many individual Europeans (and
particularly government administrators) held very positive feelings towards
individual Goans and to the wider contribution of the Goan community in
helping to make the colony a success.

Another factor worth mentioning is how the author has tried hard to be
inclusive as possible to a wide variety of groups within the Goan
community. This is no book lauding the successes of the elite at the
exclusion of all others. She dedicates a whole section on the plight of
poor Goans although has to explain why there is just so little evidence
from this bottom section of society. At least the author has thought to
include their story even if there is so little to tell. She is a little
more successful in telling the plight of Goan women who had their own
unique experiences to tell. Women were not mere bit players, they may have
been relatively few in number but they often held great responsibilities in
an unfamiliar culture and often hostile landscape. Again, I hadn't really
thought about the implications of the age differences when young Goan women
married older Goan men and followed their husbands to Africa.
Mathematically, many of these Goan women might find themselves widowed and
comparatively financially independent at a relatively young age -
especially compared to European women. This certainly gave some Goan women
the opportunity to create careers, opportunities and a level of
independence to an unusual degree for women of that era from almost any

There are so many more fascinating nuggets in this highly accessible book.
This is a book for everyone and not just for specialist historians or those
who have a connection to the Goan community. So many people over simplify
imperial history and see it merely as a story of the high and mighty over
the oppressed and marginalised. Of course, the Empire was far more
complicated than that and its actors were far more nuanced and varied. This
book gives a fascinating insight into just one of the Empire's many
communities in one particular part of the Empire in its pioneering days of
colonial expansion. I really would love to see this kind of book written
for so many other communities who just tried to do the best for themselves,
their families and their communities. This story may appear to be
specialist in nature, but in reality it is anything but. It is the story of
everyday men and women who just happened to come from a particular culture
and found themselves trying to make their lives successful with the
opportunities that came their way. In short, it is an everyman's story.

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