Dear Elvis Gomes and other aspirants for CM post if any,

At the moment what we see is that Goa has been transformed into North Goa
and South Goa districts  and that there is a duplication of administrative
work with double of  staff.
 I have several points to be pointed out but let me focus only one at the
 Definitely Goans are not happy as this Goa is made into two parts i.e
North Goa and South Goa. Luckily we have one CM. Literally it appears that
we have two states within one official state of Goa.
You ( Elvis)  being an expert administrator of Goan origin and from  IAS
cadre, will know the consequences of these changes and hopefully you will
revert back to the original if you feel that this is not correctly  job
done by this present Government and if you (AAP) comes to power .

Say for example I have noticed about the gun deposition during the election
period under code of conduct, which is a common affair in Goa or in India.
All the gun holders were waiting, either for the news item or sent an
intimation letter individually as this is very important in nature, which
many times fails to post  the intimation letters  by their respective
District Collector administration. Nowadays the system of sending letters
to individual gun licence holder have been stopped. We sometimes see that
North or South Collector publishing it for depositing the guns under Code
of conduct rules but most of times  do not synchronize until somebody
reminds the respective administration. It so happen that that
administration without verifying their record books whether the gun  has
been deposited ot not,   I was called  on 11.Jan 2017 from a local Police
Station on Mobile No" <0992334226> probably in good faith to remind me
whether the gun is deposited or not but in fact I have already deposited on
5th Jan 2017 itself, and the receipt was obtained.  What I want to point
out is that the administration is weak and that if there are two districts
than it may becomes more difficult to check the records.
Next, comes my request to the Government of Goa which I was telling ages
back as many Collectors either has been changed or transferred were
informed by us,  to have a  better room  for deposition of guns at the
police headquarters or at any nearby police station but never been
implemented and the guns are left on top of each other for the lack of
space at the headquarters of Police station.
 In Portuguese regime these guns were cleaned up and service during the
deposition period but nowadays this system is not followed. These guns  are
mostly  of sentimental value and imported  and looks bad  to remain in the
very small suffocated shabby room.
. Will the Deputy General of Police ( DGP)  and present Collector make note
of it? Also I suggest to the next Government if by chance BJP does  not
come in power that the fees must be lowered or revised  to the original
ones as these guns are never going to be used but will remain in their
houses as a  sentimental value and why at all fees needs to be increased
every time.  This was done during the time when Manohar Parrikar was in
power as Chief Minister of Goa and the fees are extremely high.
Other administrative problems if any, which i did not elaborate here, since
Elvis being a good administrator and of IAS status, will know the
difficulties of Goans and recommend the changes for approval for reverting
back into One Collector for Goa state as it was before.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula
date :,17th Ja. 2017

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