Costa has shown competence even while maior of Lisboa. As PM and elucidated in 
the article by the once anti Portuguese chappy, Costa has once again risen to 
the occasion. 
The opposition Centre Democrats and Social Democrats have now been kept in a 
quiet corner. The once vocal Paulo Portas of the Centre Democrats has 
disappeared from the scene after predicting the downfall in a few months of the 
PS and its left wing allies.
In my opinion Costa should not worry about his ratings. But his pronouncing as 
PIO was unfortunate. We are Goans. Ami Goencar. Nos somos Goeses. 

Dear Portugal, greetings from Goa!

We are sure you remember us, even after departing (with some stern
persuasion) 55 years ago. After all, your prime minister visited last
week with many high-powered delegates, and a scrambling knot of
television journalists. Thanks for allowing him time to spare! His
trip was really worth it from our point of view. We got to see a
totally unexpected aspect of your country: dynamic, visionary, humane
and pragmatic. But, in addition, there was also the man himself.
Antonio Costa forced us to deeply rethink and reconsider our own
politicians and polity, our own priorities.


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