Make America Great Again - Alternative Model

An often stated solution to stimulate American economy and increase American 
jobs is "Buy American."  This will involve spending more for the same product. 
This invariably leads to domestic inflation and restricted international trade. 
Retaliatory steps by other countries will lead to a marked drop in American 
manufacturing and agricultural exports.
An alternative approach is for trading countries, trade treaties and WTO 
working towards "Balanced Trade" between countries. A trade IMBALANCE MAY BE 
above 10% in any given year AND 5% over a fiver-year period.  The balance in 
trade should cover manufactured goods, agricultural produce AND military sales. 
 Countries with high exports will be forced to open up their own markets and 
stimulate domestic consumption. "Buy American" was the effective economic model 
in America since WW II till the early 1990's.  It is based on a society that 
has two-earner income with a high standard of living (drowning in borrowed 
money) and chasing and purchasing the American dream and products often with 
heavy indebtedness.  American economy is two-third driven by consumer demand.  
Directly and indirectly this has resulted in Federal debt of 19 trillion 
dollars, with an equal amount in personal and education debt; and a similar 
amount in corporate debt.  The POST - WW II American model has resulted in:
 High stressed families with 50% divorce rate. A decade from now the annual 
extended family reunion will disappear. 
Psychological-psychiatric illness (three times that of Western Europe) and high 
incidence of social and domestic violence.High Child delinquencies, drug 
addiction and school drop-out ratesRapidly escalating health-care costs due to 
third party caring for aging parents / grandparents and end-of-life care.  How 
does it benefit a family for the parent to go to a barely-above-minimum-wage 
job; while society / government pays for skilled workers to care for the child 
in day care and pre-K or pay for round the clock hospital and nursing-home cost 
for adult-senior care?  For too  long Americans have been fodder for the 
economy or military.   I am only stating the obvious that American society is 
paying a heavy price of our pretentious high standard of living and near-full 
In the alternative model the thrust would be a greater priority on quality of 
life, care of children and other first degree family members, likely a lower 
standard of living without the need to own the latest entertainment gadget, 
car, appliance or fashion; and certainly less debt and debt-related issues. 
This was the American socio-economic model PRE - WW II, so I am not 
re-inventing the wheel. 
Gilbert Lawrence

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